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I blocked Kakashi's attacks by flipping back to gain some distance. " I think that's enough for today, Kakashi." I said with a smirk seeing him panting.

He straightened up, relaxed and smiled at me, then he made a sad face. " It seems I'm not as young as I used to be." He said it dramatically, sulking.

I laughed and went over to him, "oh you're still very young, Kakashi." I winked up at him. I heard someone approaching and I turned toward them.

Shika and Gaara were walking this way, " Hey Kakashi sensei, Naruko." Shika said it with a wave.

I waved back and we waited for them to reach us. " What's up? Want to train?" I asked.

He nodded, folding his arms. " I don't think we have ever even seen each other's fighting style. " he mumbled, shaking his head. " I don't think you have ever even met Gaara." He shook his head.

I looked at Gaara, " well not in this world... But you're right. How would you like to begin?" I asked, looking back at Shika.

He rubbed his chin, " show me all you know how to do..."


The days moved by like minutes it seemed. I was pumped for this mission and felt ready even. All of us had done nothing but trained together. I would agree we could have used more time together to train.

Me and Shika the most, since we had to be a sort of mini team. Kakashi and Gaara then decided to practice. Gaara and I had spared one time... But we ended up destroying the whole training area. He could seem to hit me which made me laugh and I never could stop moving.

" Ready?" Shika asked me as I refocused on him.

I nodded as I followed through the gate with the others, " the land of time is near by isn't it? " I asked as he started running with the others.

Shika thought for a moment, "yes and no... We can't reach it by foot." He told me and I looked at Kakashi to explain.

" We have to go through a portal in a way." He said it sounded unsure.

I blinked, "a portal? Oh and we are going to said portal?" I asked.

Gaara nodded, "yes... It is near here. " Answered jumping past me.

I nodded, jumping from branch to branch. So how did Lady Hokage get this intel? From a land that's not even here... Who knows.


"This is is." Shika said landing behind some bushes and we followed.

We sat there silently staring at a whirlpool in a pond. What an odd place to put a portal... I frowned, a feeling of dread filling my chest and turned to Shika. " So we just jump in?" I asked unsure.

He nodded, " just don't get caught going through, getting through honestly, is easy but once we are on the other side.... There will be the time ninja so be careful. '' He said it looking at all of us. "Lets go." He said it and shot from the bushes.

I let out a breath and followed after him. I focused chakra to my feet before I landed on the water. I suddenly had a bad feeling about this... I shook my head and chased after the others. Kakashi looked back at me at the opening. Once I reached him I panicked as I watched them dive in.

I looked at Kakashi, " this may not be the best time to mention this... But I can't swim." I said, panicked. My eyes went between the water and Kakashi. I hadn't needed to fix that yet...

Kakashi looked disturbed, I knew what he was thinking... of all things THAT? He shook his head and swept me up as we dove in. " Well guess that's something we will have to work on later." He grumbled it in disbelief, swung me onto his back as we hit the water.

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