A crowd

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I turned over in my sleep and yawned, it was morning already? I groaned, stretching and sat up. I rubbed my eyes and got up looking around in a sleepy daze, scratching my head. I was in kakshi's living room.

I must have spent the night at Kashi's. I wonder why I slept on the couch though? I shrugged as I got up and headed to the bathroom. I heard the water running when I walked into the hall. "Kashi?" I called as I opened the door, rubbing my eyes. "I had that strangest dream." I told her and was about to go on but was interrupted.

"Naruko! Get out" A man yelled.

My hand shot away from my eyes and I took in the view of Kakashi taking a shower! "gahh! It wasn't a dream!!?!!" I slammed the door and ran into the living room and changed lightning fast. I was about the run for my life, my face was on fire but I stopped in my tracks remembering everything. I sank to the floor. Oh man... after a couple of minutes Kakashi walked into the living room.

He crouched down. "Sorry I yelled..." he said softly. He was rubbing his neck and couldn't look me in the eyes.

I blushed. "sorry I walked in and saw you naked...." I said lightly, still dazed.

He cleared his throat standing up. "Ya, well at least we know it won't happen again because you will be with Naruto and I will not have a clear shower curtain ever again." He helped me up. His voice had been a little harsh but I shrugged it off.

I crossed my arms and let a tired breath out. "ya..." I mumbled.

"Ready to go?" He asked once I had put my pj's in my bag.

I nodded, "ready." We headed to the training area, I thought of something and smirked. "So how late are we?" I asked.

He thought for a second. "about an hour." He said it then chuckled.

I giggled at him. "Glad to see that, that's the same." I said it as I noticed the odd looks from people. I glared at them wondering. "People are staring..." I mumbled.

Kakashi looked around with a lazy look. "They probably think you're Naruto doing his sexy jutsu." He told me.

My face lit up, "sexy?" I asked, a little excited.

He seemed to notice what he said and glared down at me with a nervous look in his eyes. "uhh.. I didn't mean it like that." He pinched the bridge of his nose.

I laughed a little, "interesting..." I said it rubbing my chin. We reached the training area, I saw yellow. "Naruto!" I yelled and ran after him, leaving poor Kakashi to recollect. He was talking to someone.I ignored them and tackled the heck out of him.

"Huh?!? Oh it's Naruko!" He chuckled and hugged me. He stood up as he hugged me.

I started up at him and it hit me....that he had a bit of height on me. "hey no fair! How come you're tall and I'm not?!" I pouted on all fours in his face.

He stared at me and then squished my face. "Oh man, I'm so cute!" He said with a smirk. He poked at my face with a huge grin on his face.

I let out a breath and looked up meeting eyes the color of mint. I gasped and shot up. "woah!" I circled around her. "It's the girl Saku!" I said with a grin. It was still throwing me off...

She raised an eyebrow, "Saku?" She asked.

I nodded looking at naruto, "does she know?" I asked.

He shrugged, she nodded. "So my guy name is Saku? Huh... I'm Sakura, nice to meet you!" She said with a smile. She looked unsure about the whole thing but she stuck her hand out for a hand shake.

I shoved her hand away and hugged her, "oh sakura! You're pretty! Saku is handsome, but you surely surpass him!" I told her shocked. It was strange that everyone's opposite, some looked better in my world but others looked better here.

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