Taking me

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He sat across from me silent for a while almost deciding if he really should be doing this... Then he looked away, " Was Sasakia the same as me? Did her clan get murdered?" He asked it with a look of hate in his eyes.

I spun the flower in my fingers, I was surprised he had remembered her name. "Yes... She always had that same look in her eyes..." As I said it he looked at me sharply. "The look that showed many years of pain.... " I said it softly. I remembered the dark sullen look that young Sasakia had worn often.

He looked away sharply again, " and you?Did you go through what Naruto did?" He asked, his voice really did only seek out truths.

I frowned, " yes and no... People completely ignored me... They feared me that much. It was because I was a little girl I think... For a little girl to be a monster..." I said in an annoyed voice. Then I laughed, he looked at me confused. " I think the first person to ever beat me up was Sasakia... It was because I was ignoring her... Because I hadn't even realized she had been trying to talk to me of all people." I said it shaking my head.

I tilted my head, " I think that maybe the difference between you and her... She craved love and attention but was always afraid to let anyone in.... You just shut everyone out because of your want for revenge." I stated it and looked into his eyes. Maybe it was because he was a boy? I mean me and Naruto had turned out so differently. I couldn't figure that out. I guess the outcome can't always be the same.

He seemed shocked then he snorted, "sounds pathetic." He said it but he couldn't fool me.

I smiled, " yep that's what she would have said..." I told him and watched him look at me with those confused eyes.

It was silent for a while, then he spoke. " don't you wonder if she is doing what I am doing? " He asked and watched me to see my reaction. I could tell he thought I was wrong.

I frowned, and nodded. " but I know she wouldn't do the same exact thing... and not for your reasons... No..." I whispered it softly. I wondered now as well, how the world had turned out with me gone.

He looked angry almost, "oh yeah, hn, want to bet?" He asked me sharply.

I raised an eyebrow, "what would be the point of that it's not like.... Wait... I can't go back... Or do you know how?!"I asked in a higher pitched voice, He had found a way in such a short time? I couldn't believe it.

He looked away silently, "yes... I can take you there and back..." He whispered. Then added, " or leave you there..." He stated as if it was an offer.

I stared at him wide eyed, "but how?"

He looked up at the sky, "after the last time we met... I went in search of the situation you're in. I was wondering how... I found the forbidden jutsu and have been practicing. Karin says no one even noticed her except the other her. She never stayed long." He told me smartly.

He reached his hand out and formed a hand sign with his other, " choose now..." He said it sharply.

I stared at him in wonder, " go home?..." He nodded. But I just ached at the thought of leaving Kakashi and my brother. I closed my eyes and thought, " first how do you do the jutsu?" I asked back just as sharply.

He smirked, " I'll make you a deal... " he tossed me a scroll. " that's half the scroll , if Sasakia actually has joined the 'bad side' for a completely different reason you can have this." He held up another scroll.

I watched him, " Promise... Because I will kill you... If you make me lose the people I love.." I said it in a venomous voice.

He rolled his eyes, "Alright... I promise. Now decided." I opened the scroll and it seemed legit.... So I nodded and put it into my pouch. I looked back at the cottage, " Let me leave him a note at least." I told him and he allowed it.

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