The trip

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I stopped, staring at the next village we would be bothering, and I meant it. I sideways glanced at the Toad sage with him in our group. I'm surprised we haven't been killed. While Naruto blew things up and Jiraiya peaked on women. I was working to earn a little coin and talking to the townspeople just getting information on things I never knew about, or training of course. I got into trouble of course, I liked having fun but I did it after I knew I was set.

"Jiraiya?" I called out to him. My stomach twisted with dread.

He turned to me, "yes?" He replied. He barely looked up from his map.

I looked at the village again... something seemed off. "You said you had been here before?"I asked, not liking that.

He looked at the village also, "yes but you two won't be coming in... this village is not for children, I want you two to go around the village and train with the new jutsu I was teaching you two."

I watched him, he better not be tricking us... "alright." My eyes narrowed, I would find out sooner or later.

Naruto looked at me shocked, usually I would question him to hell and back.

I was young but I wasn't that stupid, I had known the female Jiraiya so I knew the games they both played. I sighed, turning to naruto, "lets go Oniisan." He nodded and rushed over to me. Jiraiya headed toward the village.

"If he isn't back by morning we will hunt him down, he will probably be in jail or passed out in a bad place." Naruto said it pretty much saying my thoughts.

I smiled up at my brother. "alright let's go practice!" We headed to the other side of the village, going down a twisted path. I was hoping that Jiraiya would be on his good behavior. Although I knew that was truly wishful thinking.

We reached a high hill on the other side of the village that overlooked it, we practiced for a while then set up camp. Which took about an hour, my stomach grumbled and I pouted. "Oniisan?" A sudden realization hit me.

Naruto looked up from making a fire. "Yes ?" His eyes were alarmed by my tone.

"Is there any food?" I asked.

He frowned, "I have a cup of ramen... but that's it..." He wore the tone now as well.

I sighed, "we will need to go into town tomorrow, whether he comes back or not." I said sternly not having too much trouble with going against his wishes.

Naruto nodded, "Pervy sage is going to get us in trouble one of these times." He mumbled it almost tired.

I snickered going over and sitting next to Naruto. "Yes, but we will have each other to get out of the trouble." I tried to cheer him up.

His face was suddenly desperate, hugged me, "Please don't ever leave Naruko..." He held me tight.

I blushed, "what?" I was caught off guard. Naruto wasn't the brightest, but he sometimes was more of a deep thinker than others realized.

"You might find a way home someday, don't go though." He said it looking up at the sky. His eyes twinkled with hope.. One thing I would never put out...

I ruffled his hair, "I couldn't leave..." I mumbled it. My voice was even but my mind was aching at the thought, I would forever be torn between two places. As time went on I knew it would be harder to leave here.

We ended up sharing the cup of ramen and heading to bed. We both promised more food tomorrow just to get to sleep.

I awoke to a boom, I sat up and looked around. I screamed, the village?!?! Is it on fire?!My mind was instantly kicked into hyper drive. Naruto sat up droll dripping down his face. I jumped up getting dressed while he was in a daze.

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