A great father

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We now stood in a grassy park with some lower leaf ninja kids.

"You're late!" One said it pointing at us, visibly upset.

I shook my head and folded my arms, "is that anyway to speak to your elders?" I said it in a stern voice.

The kid shrank back and they grew silent, I let myself relax and smiled at them, " True as it may be that we are late... Surely future ninja like yourself could have pick up trash on your own?" I said it cocking a brow at them.

They looked at each other unsure, "uhh..."

I shook my head, "let's get started... Girls at the river boys in the field, surely we can get this done twice as fast. Then we will be on time." I gave them a closed eye smile. They scrambled around getting to work.

Kakashi chuckled next to me, " such a caring girl... I'll go help the boys." He said, giving me a wave before heading off toward the group of loud boys. He winked before turning away completely.

"Make sure you actually work, Kakashi." I said it to him with a smirk as he put his hand on his pouch which I knew would have a book in it.

He lifted his hand away and smiled at me over his shoulder. "Yes ma'am." He said it quickly before running off.

I smiled after him then turned heading toward the young girls. Who were stabbing at the water with the trash forks. I let a sigh out and hoped to be done soon. It was a beautiful day, I looked around seeing the wind blow gracefully through the tall grass and the sun sparkled on the water.

----a bit later---

"Go on and get home." I said to the last girl as she tossed her trash in the bag. I tied it shut and watched as she ran off. Her pigtails bounced as she ran off smiling gleefully. She looked so cute, I couldn't help but smile after her.

"Finished?" Kakashi asked from next to me.

I perked up and turned toward him with a smile, "why of course, and yourself?" I asked, eyeing his own bag.

He nodded, "let's drop this off then head for the dogs. Since we are..." He looked at his watch. "Actually early." He gave me a shocked look then chuckled, "that's a surprise." He said it amused and started toward the trash yard.

I picked my bag up and followed after him, " so how did the boys behave?" I asked it, noticing he had dirt all over him. I raised a brow at him looking him up and down, " your hairs all messed up also...." I mumbled to myself.

He looked down at me a bit dismayed, "alright... " he said, defeated somehow.

I gave him a confused look and then laughed a little. We reached the junk yard in no time tossing the bags on the pile then heading to our next mission.

I glanced up at Kakashi and chuckled at him, "I can't allow you to walk around like this any more. Lean down..." I ordered him. I turned to him waiting for him to obey.

He stopped turning to me bored, "whatever do you mean?" He asked but leaned down. He looked at me with such loving eyes and amusement.

I ruffled his hair until it was reasonable and wiped away most of the dirt on his face with a cloth from my bag. "There." I nodded then linked arms with him. "Better." I smiled up at him. He was no longer a roughed up dirt ball, not that I minded him looking like that even.

He sighed and then pulled me along. It was moments like this that I remembered how much stronger he was and bigger. I smiled shyly as he slowed down realizing he was basically dragging me.

As we headed toward the dog owner's home we talked about what to have for dinner.

"Well we most likely will be at the kids house most of the night." Kakashi said it with dread, opening the gate being bombarded with dogs.

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