on our way

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I had my hands behind my head as we walked down the road, since we had extra time we decided it was alright to take our time on our way to the next stop. I let out a yawn and looked up at the clouds. It was such a nice day, I smiled and turned to look at Kakashi. He was glancing around as if he was hearing something, I listened but I didn't hear anything... "What's wrong?" I asked in a concerned voice.

He looked over at me with a bored expression, "I smell food..." He said it plainly then went back to looking around.

Hmm, it had been a while since we had eaten. I pulled my map from my bag, I looked to see if there was a town nearby. I frowned seeing nothing...

I looked up at him smirking, "Want to look for it? huh boy? huh?" I said it in a joking voice. I patted my knees like he was a dog.

He glared down at me, making me freeze. Uh oh.. He didn't look amused...I laughed nervously, straightening up. He took off running before I could say anything else. I chased after him, I was joking!

We soon reached a small shop at the side of the road with a roast cooking over a grill. It was mouth watering. The owners sat on a bench turning the roast and chatting.

"It is amazing!" I bursted surprising them.

The woman smiled slightly, "hello young lady... I'm guessing what you mean is the food?" she asked it with a creased smile.

I nodded and looked around spotting kakashi in a tree looking over at the scene like I was insane. I waved and he sighed jumping down from the tree and walked over. They smiled at him and waved, he just raised his hand like he always did when he didn't care.

I sighed and went over to him and took his hand, and looked up at him with a frown. "I'm sorry I teased you early on.... I think it's amazing that you can smell things so well.... I wasn't actually trying to treat you like a dog." I smiled up at him then.

He let out a long sigh, "alright... " then leaned down, "I'll forgive you if you get us some food..." He whispered it lowly.

I smiled and gave him a thumbs up, "why of course!" Then the people chuckled at us. I turned to them confused... What was funny? I tilted my head at them and blushed.

The woman waved at us with a funny look on her face, "aren't you two just the cutest couple I have ever seen?" she said, waving us over.

I just went with it and pulled kakashi along, I was perfectly fine with the thought of kakashi being... my boyfriend. Even if it was fake for a little while, I sat down next to the woman. " You think?" I asked her in a low voice.

She waved her hand at me and laughed lightly, "of course! two good looking people... though I think he could do without that mask. " she whispered to me and I laughed.

I smiled and nodded, "I can say that I think the same thing sometimes. But I am just used to it I suppose." I said it rubbing my chin and glanced at Kakashi who was talking to the guy. I turned back to her and started asking why they were here.

She told me about how they always loved this spot and it was a common spot for travelers, there wasn't any place for food for miles so they opened up shop here.

"Oh that sounds nice, settling down in a place like this." I said it thoughtfully.

She nodded, glancing at Kakashi. " don't worry some day you'll find the same kind of happiness." She said it winking at me.

I smiled a little, "Thanks." I blushed a little but loved the idea of a happy ending with Kakashi. My stomach grumbled loudly, making the woman chuckle.

"Well I see that's why you found us huh?" She smirked at me and I sighed nodding. " How much for a meal to go?" I asked her, taking my pouch out.

She patted my knee and smiled at me, " Tell you what, Help this old lady peel these potatoes and it's yours for free." She said it nodding at a big bucket of potatoes.

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