Planet naruko

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I slipped on my sandals and left the house for my daily walk. Naruto was waiting by the door, " Hey... Your back!" I greeted him happily and hugged him. Finally someone to keep my company again.

He chuckled, reaching down carefully to hug me. " Gosh Naruko... You sure are big!" He said amused, but then laughed nervously. He held his hands up ready for me to hit him.

I smacked him, then laughed at him. " That's not funny! " I jokingly snapped at him. But then sighed... I was pretty big... 9 months and ready to pop. My back hurt, well everything kind of hurt actually. I felt drained all the time, but I just couldn't sit all day long.

"Sorry..." He snickered and rubbed his arm. " So... Any names yet?" He asked as he walked with me. He lent me his arm to hold onto and I gladly took it, I smiled up at him. He beamed, it was nice to see him look so happy.

I nodded, thinking." Mizuki... It means beautiful moon... I think it's pretty.. What do you think, Naruto?" I asked as we walked down the street. I looked at all the people rushing about doing their daily routines. Some people smiled at me and others waved. I waved back and smiled as well.

He blushed a little and nodded, " It is!" We walked quietly for a moment. " I wonder what she will look like..." He mumbled it thoughtfully. God only knows what he was coming up with in his head.

I smiled and nodded, " Ya I think- gah!" A shot of pain! I went wide eyed and grabbed Naruto's arm. " Hospital!" Was all I could yell before lurching forward.

--- many painful days later---

I could finally get out of bed and walk... I groaned painfully... I was fine with having no more children. Not after that pain...

I walked over to the carrier... Looking in at the life I created. I couldn't believe it... I touched her tiny fingers and smiled. " Mizuki Hatake... Your father .. Sounds funny to me but I am proud.. Will be overjoyed to meet you... You and I have a long way to go but the day will come little one." I whispered, starting to cry. " You're so very beautiful.." I sobbed it as I took her weakly into my arms and rocked her against my chest.

She looked so perfect, like a tiny little pixie. She was going to have silver hair like her father and she had my bright blue eyes from what we could tell. Today was November 21st... She was finally born on the 19th under a big beautiful moon. Her name turned out to be perfect...

There was a tap at the door and I turned to see a few people, Sakura and Naruto in front. They looked at me in awe, I climbed into bed with Mizuki covering up.

Sakura came to my side as the others stood at the end of the bed, she looked at Mizuki. "I just can't believe it..." She whispered it. She looked up at me, "May I?" She asked, hopeful. I nodded, letting her take the sleeping Mizuki, but I watched her carefully. I knew Sakura would be fine. She looked down at the baby for a while then smiled up at me. "She is perfect! What is her name again?"

I smiled and nodded in agreement, "Her name is Mizuki." I said it with a sigh and Naruto came over, hugging me gently.

He gave me a thumbs up, "Good job sis!" He said it looking at the baby excitedly. " She is so tiny..." He looked at me then her again.

The next week repeated the same people would come to visit, bringing some gifts. Everyone was surprised but happy, not many kids had been born at this time. Everyone joked about a baby boom probably being soon since the huge fights seemed to be over.

The next few years seemed to fly by, little Mizuki's face became fuller, she learned to crawl quicker than I was ready for... Her babbles turn to half words.. Her eyes gained understanding and emotion.

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