Suprise its a girl

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As I came to I was faced with a pounding head, my mind shifted though what had happened trying to move past the pain. I moved my fingers and toes to make sure I could actually move. My stomach shifted unpleasantly as I sat up rubbing my head. If this was any other day I would have just gone back to sleep, but I couldn't.

I opened my eyes taking in the old worn room, it was plain and nearly empty. I was laying on the only thing in the room, a bed. I yanked the blanket off of me, slapping my own cheeks trying to wake up faster. I wasn't pleased to see that I was still in nothing by Kakashi's Shirt, although it was long enough to nearly be a dress... it wasn't much to be in.

I climbed out of the bed trying to stretch my muscles screamed out in resistance to me but I continued as I debated where I was and what the hell had happened? My bare feet crunched against the dirty ground as I started toward the door, I had no shoes, no pants and a splitting headache. Wasn't the best odds on my side.

Just as my hand rested on the door knob I heard the sound of footsteps and voices. I leaned toward the door to listen and mentally prepare myself.

The first voice was a young man's voice, he couldn't be much older than me. "He will be up soon?" He sounded heavily annoyed, and impatient. I also realized it was the same voice asked from that night. The one I had sworn I heard before somehow.

The second was a young woman's voice, she sounded just as annoyed but maybe at the guy? "Yep of course... Then you may do with her as you please." It was a girl's voice. She said it but didn't seem like she liked it?

"Karin... It's" He said it back in an annoyed voice.

Karin? I didn't know any Karin, even in the other world. Hmm and so they wanted me because they thought I was Naruto? What did he want with my brother?

The girl snorted, " She is a she, trust me... Plus I don't think even Naruto can keep a jutsu up while he sleep let alone, knocked out." She said it back with a matter of fact attitude.. "Alright see you... Don't do anything stupid." Then one set of footsteps continued on alone.

He was coming then seemingly alone, while I needed to be ready to fight more than one person. Hopefully it was just the one guy. I got into a fighting stance, coming up with the best plan I could. I wanted more information, but escaping was the most important.

As he opened the door I shot forward only slightly catching him off guard. I spun in the air slamming my foot into the side of him knocking him sideways into the wall, leaving him in a crater. I wasted no time running from the room and down the long dark hallway. I shot down the only other way, a flight of stairs.

I heard him yelling then, " Karin!" His voice was angry but heavy with pain. I was shocked to see that he was already on my heels.

I shot past a red haired woman coming from a room and she stood there unmoving. She seemed to have ignored me, did she not agree with this? Possibly because I wasn't in fact Naruto? I decided to think about it later as it would only slow me down.

I saw a window and didn't think twice as I slammed through it shattering the glass outward. I used my arms as a shield then braced myself to land. Luckily it was a short drop and I took in my surroundings only for a second then launched forward out of his grasp. I bounded across the yard-like area into the forest in front of me.

While I tried to ignore the fact that I was basically half naked, my bare feet cried out as I jumped into the trees moving quickly from tree to tree. I didn't know where I was exactly but as I looked around frantically, I knew we still had to be in the area. All the plant life was the same as the meadow.

I cursed as the branches whipped against my bare skin and face, I heard movement behind me and saw I was being followed. My silent fox jutsu was useless if they could see me now, I should have used it early. I cursed again and just pressed onward.

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