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As we ran we got quiet listening to the whooshing air that battled against our bodies. I didn't mind seeing how it was what normal ninja did, you need to listen and hear your enemies. It's hard to do that while talking. But I was thinking... The bridge maker... I remembered him... Well her in my old world... I hadn't thought about that world in a long time...

"Naru... Are you alright?" Kakashi asked me from in front of me.

I looked up, caught off guard and laughed a little, "yeah I'm fine, I was just thinking." I said it as we leapt from tree to tree.

He stared at me like I was stupid, " I'll bug you about it later, we are almost there. You must be tired." He said it, giving me a scary face(smile) before turning back around.

I looked at him nervous, following silently... He can be scary. I was starting to get tired but I couldn't believe that we had reached it already... I had taken a lot longer when I was in the other world. I shrugged though and landed down onto the bridge that led to the village hidden in the mist. Just like it said there was thick fog covering it. I walked up next to kakashi... It was kinda creepy...

"You look scared..." Kakashi, raising a brow.

I glared at him, "Well I get creeped out easily... It's the dumb things that get me.." I said it shyly.

He chuckled and started to walk into the fog. What? I chased after him grabbing hold of his arm. "Don't leave me! " I blurted, then after a moment I jumped back. "Uh... I mean wait up..." I said it coolly.

He chuckled, "you are a ninja... You have to kill people or have them try to kill you... That doesn't faze you but spooky mist does? " he patted my head and then kept going slowly.

I walked beside him silently. It wasn't my fault... It was the one thing that was wrong with me...

"Ah! There you are!"

I yelped and jumped behind Kakashi like a scared cat.

"Uh.... Is that naruto?" The voice asked. It sounded like an old man.

Kakashi chuckled, "no... This is Naruko, his sister. They are twins but are quite different." Kakashi said it trying to grab me. I kept dodging. "You're fine Naru, it's just the bridge builder."

I froze, "oh..." I unhid myself and stood next to kakashi. "Sorry the fog is making me jumpy." I said it rubbing my neck. I bowed then, "please to meet you." Then I straightened up.

He raised a brow at me, "you don't say... I have to say you're better looking than that knucklehead." He said it rubbing his chin as he looked me up and down.

The color drained from my face and Kakashi sighed. "Truthfully... I have to say they look like two different people." He said it looking at me. He gave me a smile that made the color return to my face at full blast.

The old man cleared his throat, "alright let's get to my house you can rest up before tomorrow. My daughter should just about be done with dinner." With that we were of to his house. After wandering the dim street we reached a house on the outskirts. "It's just my and my daughter right now. Little one is visiting family in the town over." He said it as we walked in.

We all pulled our shoes off and followed him into the kitchen/dining area. His daughter was putting the food on the table at the moment. She looked up and smiled. " so nice to have you back." She waved us over.

I sat down with Kakashi and we all dug in. Dinner was short and sweet. It was good and we chatted but they most likely knew we needed to rest. So soon after we headed to bed.

"Sadly... I hope you don't mind sharing a room... We didn't think it would be Naruko. Sorry, the house is getting worked on." After saying that we got left in a room with simple two mats, a desk and that's about it.

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