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A couple of weeks had passed before I was allowed to leave. I was glad to finally be able to though...Lady Hokage said to stop by her office tomorrow to discuss my next mission. She told me to start training. Which I was more than glad to do, so as soon as I could leave I headed to the training area.

I let out a breath looking at the training area. It had been a while since I had been here I guess? I looked at the fresh patches of dirt, where holes had been and the broken trees. This poor place. I stretched thinking of what to do. Simple starting by doing laps around the area sounded like a good start. I finished my stretches before starting a jog.

After a while I got faster and faster. Finally I just started plain out running. My body was crying out after about 30 minutes of running. My body isn't used to activity from laying around, great. I thought about it as I sat down under a tree. The shade felt great after running in the sun. A couple more days an I would probably be ready for practice fighting.

I closed my eyes, relaxing. I sat there silently as I felt a breeze blow helping cool me down, I listened to the leaves shack. I would probably need to ask Kakashi for help since Naruto was busy. Ah, Kakashi... I blushed at the thought of him. I remember how he had kissed my forehead. I was still kinda confused by it all but I smiled feeling my cheeks burning from the thought.

"You look like you really do need a rest." Kakashi's voice reached my ears.

I jumped at the sudden sound of his voice. My eyes flew open, looking up at him. I yawned, but got up. " I have been jogging all morning. I just started running about 45 minutes ago. It didn't last very long." I said it smugly. I was actually a bit disappointed in my body.

He nodded then patted my head. "Considering everything, you're lucky to be alive. Give your body a chance to heal alright? So enough for today." He said, looking concerned.

I shrugged and began to lean against the tree. "But I need to get ready for my next mission..." Saying it as I kicked some dirt. I suddenly felt the pressure of being ready for it.

His head snapped to me, "What? She is sending you on a mission already?!" He looked annoyed as he said it. He looked almost angry.

I shrugged, a bit uneasy from his aura. I fidgeted with my fingers...was he mad? "She told me to come by for my next mission and to start training. I haven't stopped by I don't really know." I pushed off of the tree watching him as I talked. I started to walk toward the path back into town.

He looked rigid. He let a breath out as he saw me coming closer, his body relaxing. It gave me hope.

I reached out and wrapped my arms around him, hugging him. "I will be alright you know?" I whispered it into his shirt. He smelled like the forest. I pulled away quickly before it got weird. I stepped back nervously.

He hugged me back, then watched as I stepped away from him. "Not that I'm doubting your mad skills... But Naruko you can barely beat me... And there are a lot of people who can beat me up." He said it patting my head. "And if you're not even at your best? It just scares me." He told me in a worried voice trying not to sound mean. He looked conflicted like something was on his mind.

I nodded, "I understand."

"When do you need to meet her?" He asked, looking at the time.

I smiled, and yawned again. " Right now actually" I walked past him now as I started toward the Hokage's office.

"How about you head home and get into bed?" Kakashi said it looking down at me, had he noticed how tired I was?

I looked up at him confused. "But what about my meeting?! I just said I ha-" I was cut off as he chuckled.

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