The reason we love

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Warning: This chapter has a heated moment, not sex but heated.

I was laying in one of the many housing tents that they had put up for all those who had lost their home. I frowned, no more house... no more bed... Lady Hokage was in a Coma and someone else was in charge for now...No one seemed to like it and I didn't like the look of the guy. But I was waiting for Kakashi to return, I had been placed here.. But where would he go?

I was trying very hard to not think of the events that had taken place, all the pain...

" Knock, knock." I heard Kakashi's voice as he came in.

I perked up and watched as he walked in and sat on the cot across from me. " well?" I asked.

He gave me a closed eye smile, " Well what?" He said it happily. Although he was putting on a good front, he still looked drained.

I pouted, " come on Kakashi how far will you be? " I asked getting up, walking over. I was really tired and had been holding off sleep to get an answer.

He chuckled, " make me tell you..." He said it keeping the same closed eye smile on.

I tapped my chin and smiled, " Well... I haven't gotten to kiss you in a long while..." I teased.... " but... I guess it won't hurt to see how long I can go without even so much as touching you." I jabbed at him with a mocking expression.

I was grabbed and laid down, " oh you? Hmm... Alright... Let's see indeed." He dared me.

I pouted, " why wont you tell me?" I asked, looking up at him drowsy.

He chuckled and shrugged, " hmm why indeed." He teased again.

I folded my arms and jumped up, going to lay in my own cot. " fine... Meanie." I grumbled rolling away from him. I hadn't planned to actually pass out but after a few moments... I couldn't help it.


A loud crashing boom snapped me from my peaceful sleep startling me, my heart pounded in my chest as I took in my surroundings. My mind race was there war? Was the ground going to go out from under me again? Images of all the fights flashed through my head making me curl into a ball.

After a few minutes of wind knocking the tent around and the sound of rain, I relaxed slightly. I glanced around in the darkness... Kakashi? Oh... Right... I bit my lip... I passed out after talking to him...

I swung my legs over the cot ledge and I noticed a body in the cot across from mine. Who was that?... The lightning and thunder crashed making me jump up. " Kakashi! " I yelped.

"Hmm?" I heard the body say from the cot. I leaned in and noticed the hair first. I went over to him and curled into the cot. " that didn't last long." Kakashi sighed but wrapped his hands around me. "You must have been tired..."

After a moment he grew quiet. I looked up at him and was surprised to find tears streaming down his face. I panicked and grabbed his face. " Kakashi, why are you crying?" I asked, wiping away his tears but they kept coming. His face was heartbroken.. I knew the pain on his face... I felt it only yesterday...

He pulled me closer and buried his face in my neck, " when I woke up and they told me you had died... I couldn't live with it... Couldn't believe it... I realized at that moment I couldn't live without you... The thought of never seeing you laugh, smile or blush again... I am just so happy you're alive." He said it weakly. His voice was broken... He was so vulnerable right now...

I wrapped my arms around his neck, tears starting to stream down my face, " I nearly lost control when I saw you dead.... I felt the same way... Kakashi... Don't you ever die on me!!" I cried out. " Never again." I sobbed holding his head.

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