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This chapter is skippable, this chapter is Rated R... This is smut... So rather skip or read if you want this. I decided to add this after all, seeing as some wanted it back. Once again I would love to remind people that Naruko is well over 18+, she isn't a child. Thank you.


Kakashi grunted, "d-don't..." He cried.

I blushed and watched everyone grumble but leave, closing the door. I sighed and leaned back forgetting I was on kakashi. I blushed as I felt kakashi rubbing against my ..." Ehh." I moaned.

Kakashi turned to stone under me. I jumped up in a panic, "I'm sorr-" I tripped over Kakashi's legs falling . I groaned.

Kakashi laughed nervously, " are you a-alright?" He asked.

I grunted and got up , "y-ya..." My face hurt. I sat on my but at Kakashi's feet and rubbed my face. I looked up at Kakashi and he was staring at me with a bleeding nose. " your nose is bleeding! " I gasped and got up climbing on him and grabbing a napkin while whipping off his face.

He moaned, gripping the handles of the chair, " Jesus..." He grunted.

I blushed, " you know... You don't have to force yourself... To stop so much." I dropped the napkins and hugged him close. " your touch always feels good..." I whispered into his ear.

He let out a shaky breath, " Naruko... If I start I -" he tried to say. 

I kissed him, " kakashi.. I don't care... I want you... You're not being forceful." I said it lightly. I slid off him and started to undo his belt. He just gripped the chair watching me. I undid his pants and pulled his long member out.

I started to work on it... Then started to give him head. Kakashi groaned, " Naruko." He moaned with pleasure. He couldn't fight me on this one.

I kept going until suddenly Kakashi crushed the arms of the chair. I pulled away gasping and he reached down pulling me up with shaking hands. He got up holding me and carried me to the bedroom. " I won't be so wild... I'm never that rough and brutal except when I drink..." He mumbled it to me, as if to try and sooth any worries I had.

I blushed and just nodded as he gently laid me down. He pulled his clothes off and then turned to me. " Are you sure?" He asked, climbing on top of me. He held my face in his hands watching my expression carefully.

I nodded violently with a red face, "yes..." I could see that he wanted this badly, but so did I at this point.

He leaned down kissing my neck gently then kissed the other side. " My little Naruko... " he breathed and kissed my forehead. His breath was hot against my skin, it made me shiver with delight.

He pulled away and started pulling my panties off slowly, he was a bit nervous...but his hands felt solid and smooth against my legs. " how far did we go last time?" He asked running his hands up my stomach to my chest. It felt wonderful.

I let out a shaky breath, " I don't know... You touched me down there... It- it felt good..." I said it blushing. I wasn't sure what to say to him, all I wanted was him to keep going. There was something inside of me that just... craved him so much.

He kissed me passionately as he muttered, " Oh... "Our lips curved around each others perfectly. He slid his hand between my legs and rubbed gently. " Let me know if you want me to stop..." He told me and then his fingers slid in making me moan.

He chuckled after a moment, " you're soaking wet already... Jesus." He grunted and then climbed on me again.

I watched as he licked my nipple, sending an odd sensation through me. I whimpered when I felt his cock hit my leg.

He chuckled hungrily, kissing me, " this will be the only time I will allow you to be in pain... I'll be as gentle as I can." He told me while holding my chin I looked at him confused. " Yes.. It hurts for a moment... Since it is your first time..." He said, squeezing my breasts. He hugged me then hoping to comfort me somehow. 

He reached down grabbing his penis and positioned it at my entrance. It pressed gently at first but then when it would do anything he grunted pushing harder.

I screamed out in pain as his whole long cock slid into me. I had gently been holding his forearms but now my finger dug into his arm drawing blood. I started to cry lightly and Kakashi wrapped his arms around me again and pumped slowly, " Sorry! " he rasped at me, petting my head. "That was not gentle, I'm so sorry." He tried to sooth me.

I stopped crying as an extreme pleasure pulsed threw me every time he moved himself. I moaned loudly into his ear and he relaxed a little.

" There you go..." He whispered and pulled back. " Do you understand now? Why I wasn't going to take you in a tent?" He breathed out partly amused by the thought.

I panted, nodded, " oh!" I gasped as he started to pump again this time faster.

He moaned, " you... you're so ... Beautiful..." He went faster, almost to fast for me.

I whimpered but tried to deal with it... But he slowed down a tiny bit and grabbed my chest and squeezed, making me moan.

I felt so good... After I got used to the speed he was going I flipped him over. " teach me more..." I  whispered seductively at him. 

He looked at me shocked at first but then he grabbed my hips. " when you're like this... You're in control..." He panted back moving my hips.

I moaned and started going on my own moving back and forth resting my hands on his stomach. He fell back moaning, " hun... You are almost too good... That old perv was right... You're my match..." He growled lightly reaching up to grab my bouncing breasts.

I was getting tired though... I was slowing down panting. He chuckled, " well you're nearly there hun... " he reached pulling me down to his chest and started pumping again. Making me start to moan again, " ka-ka-" he grunted, thrusting harder making me gasp out.

He moaned, " that look... " he grabbed my face and then leaned his head back as pressure built up and he exploded into me. He sighed... " damn... "He said it and looked up at me. He didn't waste time moving his hands down to me again, he was more focused now. And I found out why, When I finally experience spasm of pleasure, nothing compared to everything he had done to me.  

I was just laying there breathing heavily and tired. " Kakashi..." I breathed out. I took his face and kissed him, both of us slightly sweaty and tired. Although I felt a slight soreness... I felt such bliss... I ran my hand through his silver hair and pulled him into my chest... I never wanted to let him go...

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