All grown up

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I huffed, losing my last nerve. I clenched my fist and bopped Naruto on the head, "Naruto!!! We haven't even been in town for 5 seconds! And you already won't shut up about ramen!?" I snapped. He had not shut up the last whole day of traveling. I mean I was hungry also, not to mention just straight up excited to be home! But man gives us like a couple of minutes to enjoy it.

"Naruko! You know you want some too!" He cried out clenching his head.

I folded my arms and turned away, "uhhh.... so? I just want to enjoy being home ..." I mumbled it, blushing. "I can't think, not with all this screaming about Ramen."

Naruto grinned and chuckled, "lets goo...." He whispered trying to tempt me.

"Your back?! Oh man, is that really you Naruko?! Dang!!" It was Kiba with maru.

I gasped rushing over to him wrapping my arms around him, we toppled over and I laughed. " Kiba!" It was so nice to see someone I knew besides Naruto and Jiraiya.

"She has filled out nicely hasn't she? Voluptuous, busty and even smart." Jiraiya said it with a grin.

Kiba blushed as I pressed my face against his, " I miss people so much, I think if I have to hear his dirty talk another day... I will kill him." I said it emotionally. I really meant it, I loved them both but I needed a break. I felt subconscious and got off Kiba, " Sorry about that..." I laughed a little. I pet Maru as he jumped at my feet wanting attention.

Kiba got up brushing off some dust then smirked, " Although I is a dirty old man, I have to agree. You are quite the looker and you have such a cute laugh." He said it with a sigh. He gazed at me and we both knew nothing would ever happen between us.

I blushed, "Oh Kiba, shut up." I laughed a little trying to joke. Then I noticed our height difference. I sighed tilting my head in annoyance. I pouted, "will I always be this short?" I asked.

Kiba chuckled, "You're just the right size, what are you talking about?" He told me with a smirk. He rested his arm around my shoulder in a joking manner then let go after a few seconds.

Naruto stepped between me and Kiba. "Hey, don't be hitting on my sister!" He snapped glaring at him.

Kiba snorted, "and what will you do if I do? You're a weakling." He glanced at me with apologizing eyes, then glared back at Naruto.

I smirked, did he forget we have been away for three years training with one of the most powerful ninjas? I shrugged, grabbing my brother's arm, "let's go Oniisan..." He glared at Kiba as I pretty much dragged him away. I looked back smiling at Kiba, he waved with a sweet look on his face.

"We need to head to the Hokage's building." Jiraiya said it while walking behind us. He looked amused and enjoyed the drama.

We raced to the Hokage's building taking the roof tops, people stared. Well everyone is probably thinking about how we are back, and it's been a long time. We reached Lady Hokage's in no time. We knocked on the door, "Enter!" We walked in behind Jiraiya.

"My my aren't you looking lovely." Jiraiya said it trying to pull a move on her. He was badly out of practice with her.

I fought a smile at the sight of her face ready to punch him, I was far past annoyed with him myself. Could just have two seconds of peace.

Lady Hokage groaned, "Jiraiya... I see you are back... haven't you two grown." Her eyes rested on me and naruto. Then they went full on me, "I hope Jiraiya had no influence on your outfit Naruko..." She only seemed a little disapproving.

My eyes widened a bit, "What?" It was only partly a lie, I really did like this outfit. But he had urged me to show more skin. I was wearing an orange tube top that ended a few inches above my belly button, Black shorts and matching thigh high sandal leggings. My jacket was a black short half jacket with orange trimming to it. I was showing a bit of skin, but it wasn't that unsavory. Plus I didn't always dress like this, this was just my mission outfit, I could move so freely in this. I shrugged her comments off a bit, trying to not feel insecure.

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