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"Aahhhhh!" I sat up screaming and Although I was screaming I was pleased to have my normal voice back for the most part.

"She woke up!" Shika yelled running over to me.

I grunted rubbing my head, " seems I'm back to normal... " I grumbled.

Shika chuckled, " actually you look a little older... " he said it helped me up.

I swallowed, " I mean how much older?" I asked, afraid. Please don't tell me I just lost like 15 years of my life.

He shrugged, "not much, maybe a few years." He then pointed to Kakashi who was passed out on the ground still. " and I think he might be a few years younger.... But at least you're generally the same age." He said it with a tired shrug. He looked at me another moment, " you could pass as Naruto's older sister now."

I sigh and nodded, " yeah at least I'm nearly the same age and not six." I said as I was going over to kakashi. I crouched down and shook him. " Kakashi... Wake up." I yelled at him.

He grunted and rubbed his face, " what happened?" He grumbled. He looked at me curious for a moment, maybe he was noticing I was old? He looked me up and down before looking at his own body.

I laughed, " well we are mostly normal... Got struck by lightning just as we jumped into the whirlpool." I helped him up, " Shika thinks I'm a few years older and you're a few younger." I explained, I moved my hands as if they were scales.

Kakashi got to his feet with my help, and looked down at me, " hmm... Maybe... Naruto won't be too happy about that." He said with a chuckle.

I nodded with a laugh but then got serious, " we better get back to the village. Lady Hokage will want to know what happened." I told everyone and noticed my clothes seemed to not be fitting right... I must be older after all. But why was it that my clothes changed to younger ones when I was 6? I shook my head, maybe because the future hasn't happened yet?

I sighed and we all took off running toward home. " This was actually incredibly short." I said it laughing a little. " What was it? A couple of hours or what?" I asked.

Kakashi shook his head, " it's actually been nearly two days... Time moves slowly in the land of time. It's faster out here... So what felt like a couple hours was really two days." He explained.

I blinked, " woah... " I looked ahead and thought. I feel so bad for that village... But it can't be helped... Can it?

I jumped down from the trees into the gate. We all checked in with the guards and then headed straight for the Hokage building. I took to the roofs seeing how the streets seemed a bit crowded. We landed in front of the building and headed in together.

I looked at Kakashi, " do you think that we actually did a good job? I mean we only got a little information." I said it with concern, I pulled out the scroll I had found and handed it to him.

" A little is better than nothing... " he said as he knocked on the door then leaned down. " I'd say you got older... You bigger in some areas." He whispered with a closed eye smile.

My face went beet red but I just looked away and bit my lip, he looks at my-

" enter!" A voice called out.

We walked into the office and stood before the Hokage. We bowed then straightened up.

She raised a brow at us, " that was fast... Kakashi, fill me in." She ordered and leaned on her hands.

Kakashi stepped forward, " from what we gather the Akatsuki were after the clock the land of time had... They destroyed the whole village and left. We have no idea what they want with it." He said it then stepped back.

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