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I rolled over expecting to feel kakashi there... I groaned awake and looked at the empty spot. I got up rubbing my eyes pulling on decent clothes. I stumbled into the kitchen getting some coffee.

After I had my first cup I began to wake up and remembered last night.... My face went scarlet and I sat down. Oh my god...

Then I realized Kakashi wasn't home... I guess he had work to do right? I stretched and walked into our room getting dressed. " I need to train then check in with Lady Hokage." I sneezed sniffling. Ugh... I hope I wasn't getting sick.

I grabbed my side pouch and headed out, " lets see what can be done today?" I told myself and headed for my training field. I tried to act normal,but my mind kept drifting... I sighed and smiled to myself.

I looked down at the sparkling lavender colored stone in awe, it was so pretty. It made my heart pick up. I felt such joy seeing it. I was engaged to Kakashi, I closed my eyes, enjoying the fact... Kakashi...ewe.. I loved him so much. I held my face as it heated up, I just couldn't believe it.


I sliced through the air and flipped back, landing gracefully on my feet. I let out a heavy breath heading over to a shady tree to relax for a bit.

I heard someone running and looked up, it was Sakura. She was panting and plopped down on the ground. " Naruko!" She said, sounding tired.

I raised a brow, " yes?" I was a bit confused. Not that I didn't enjoy seeing her or anything but she kinda just came out of nowhere. Did she need me for something?

She waited, catching her breath, " I've been looking everywhere for you! Gosh... So can I see the ring?" She asked blushing but looked excited.

I stared at her wide eyed and a feeling of excitement shot through me, I held my hand out to show her smiling." Sure!" I told her, I was excited to actually get to show it off now.

She took my hand pulling it closer to her face, she examined it. She looked awe struck, "Naruko..." She gasped, " oh my god it is true! It's the rare lavender stone!" She said, shaking my hand and jumping up and down.

I stared at her concerned, I was a bit confused." the who now?" I asked. The ring was beautiful and Kakashi had given it to me, that's all I cared about.

She looked at me horror struck, " you don't even know?! This stone is rare... It can only be found in the sand village. It cost... A lot..." She said it biting her lip, she looked at the ring then me. " he didn't mess around at all..." She whispered, she seemed surprised. Was it the proposal or that he had gotten such a ring?

I blinked and my face got red suddenly... A rare stone? What did that mean?! " How much?!" I gasped out in horror.

She thought for a moment, " Well the last time I saw one was a while ago... Anywhere between 100,000 to 200,000." She said looking up at me unsure.

I paled, nearly passing out. He spent how much?" whhaaa?!" I nearly screamed. I grabbed at my hair in shock, " He... He didn't... he shouldn't have given...." I fumbled over my words. "I have... I have to go find him!" I blurted out, she looked at me amused now. I shot up and ran off to find kakashi. He spent that much on me?! Dear god I was grateful but scared at the same time!!

---- later that evening---

I am worried now... Where was kakashi?! I was avoided as soon as I asked anyone. I looked at the Hokage building and glared at it... No... I ran toward it. If she did this I wouldn't forgive her...

I let out a breath and knocked on the door. I waited...

" Come in." She said, tired.

I came in and she looked up at me and sighed, " I expected you sooner.." She said calmly. She knew I would show up at one point or another? That wasn't a good sign.

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