Getting used to it

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I did a flip out of the way and then swung my legs around mid air. I landed a strong kick on Naruto sending him flying. He didn't get up... I panicked and ran over to him. "Oniisan! Are you okay?!" I asked in a worried voice.

He groaned, "no fair you're stronger than me?" He cried out.

I relaxed and Kakashi walked over. "Oniisan?" He questioned.

I looked up and he raised an eyebrow. "Well he pretty much is my brother in a way." I explained.

He nodded, checking to see if Naruto was still alive.

"yes and I will call you kakashi-sama!" I proclaimed.

He blushed a little from what I could tell. "why?" He asked.

"Sensei is overrated." I said it standing up smiling. It was a term of endearment.

"No need to be so formal, Naru-chan." he patted my head.

I blushed. " I thought about calling you kashi-kun but I didn't want to seem disrespectful..."

He sighed, "It's fine, you may call me that." He agreed. I smile happily at him.

"So how did I do!?" I put my hands behind my back and waited for the report of my skill level. I leaned in and stared up at him.

Kakashi rubbed his chin, thinking. "You're stronger than Naruto for sure, but you need some work on speed." He told me.

I nodded, "Sasakia was alway faster than me! Ahh! I need to get faster! Kashi-kun will you help me?" I asked, tilting my head.

He rubbed the back of his head. "It's not easy, but you can start by just simply running around more... that should help a lot..." He offered.

I gave him a thumbs up, "Ima work on it! Believe it." I gripped up Naruto, "wake up!" I shook him.. heh he's out cold.

"why do you need naruto?" Kakashi asked, a bit confused.

I sighed, "cuz I don't want to run alone!" I stared at Naruto and giggled. "Oniisan! Sakura wants to kiss you!" I said evilly into his ear.

He shot up, "oh Sakura!" He reached out his arms.

Me and Kakashi sweat dropped. "Well it worked at least." I said it in a low voice.

Naruto looked disappointed, "That's mean, Naruko..." He whined. He folded his arms looking at me.

I smiled, "if you help me get faster i'll buy you ramen!" I offered him with a huge smile.

He grinned, "alright!!" He thought for a second, "oh! Lets start with running to the next town."

I gasped jumping back, "wahh?!?! Naruto! I can't run that farr!!" I cried out in horror.

He grinned, "but I can! If you don't run you will never get stronger!" He said it seriously now, he took off running.

I gasped, "hey!!" I looked at kakashi...huh? Where kakashi had been was nothingness. I looked back at Naruto and he was running backwards. "you better hurry up Naru-chan." Kakashi said it with a chuckle.

ahhh!!! "Hey you cheaters!!" I chased after them, when it came to speed I wasn't the best but if I got my hands on you, it was over fast. Kakashi was way ahead but Naruto was closer!


I was a couple feet from Naruto. After a couple of days I was actually getting faster, but my legs burned from all the running. I haven't been able to reach the next village yet. But today I think I was going to! I heard running behind me, I looked ahh!!! "What is that!?!" I yelled.

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