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I sat up in a panic, " uh!" I looked around not seeing kakashi. Oh my god it's 12?! I got up and rushed into the kitchen and froze, finding Kakashi and Mizuki sitting at the table coloring. I relaxed leaning in the doorway.

Mizuki held up her scribbles proudly then spotted me, " Mommy!" She jumped from her chair running over colliding with my leg. " Daddy said you needed to be sleepy." She said it looked happier than ever.

I smiled at Kakashi and he blushed, " Did he now?" I said, reaching down to get her. I walked over to him and leaned down kissing his cheek. " why thank you Kakashi..." I purred to him.

He chuckled, " any time, Hun... So it seems... You haven't gone on a mission in years..." He said , watching me put Mizuki down in her chair to color some more.

I shrugged, " I... Cant use my chakra anymore... Seems after all these years... It finally had an effect... I help out around the village when I can. " I explained going to the fridge to start on lunch.

He frowned at me, " but you're alright, right?" He sounded worried.

I smiled at him, " yes... Well Kun my nine tails used herself to save me in childbirth... So yes I am healthy as a horse." I said it thanking Kun mentally.

Kakashi let out a stressed breath, " thank goodness... Well... Nothing wrong with you being a little housewife." He chuckled, watching me lovingly.

I stuck my tongue out at him, " oh you're just happy I cant put myself in danger with missions." I said, shaking my head at him.

He smiled, " well... Kind of but you can't defend yourself against much now... Guess I will have to protect you." He said it winking.

I rolled my eyes, " I will have you know I can still kick Naruto's butt! Just when he doesn't use anything." I mumbled and started to cook. " I feel weak sometimes... But I get to be with Mizuki which makes me happy."

I tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear, feeling his eyes on me I glanced at him. I stared into his eyes and then I realized what he was staring at, I blushed looking away. "And yes... I cut my hair a while ago." I said it, I hadn't cared until now, it was easier to deal with. My long hair just got in the way, it was hard to keep up with it having a baby around. My super long hair was now nearly a bob, it just barely went to my shoulders.

He laughed at my worried face, "It is very fitting now, I love it... I think it looks good on you. Don't worry about what I think." He said it winking at me.

Kakashi then handed Mizuki a crayon smiling at her. " She's beautiful, you know... She has a lot of you in her face... That hair is mine for sure... Silver like your old man." He said it petting her head. She happily accepted it and kept coloring.

" Her eyes... She definitely has my eyes, Also... Seems... She um... Can... Honey, show daddy your trick..." I said it smiling at Mizuki. This I was confused by honestly, it didn't make much sense.

She looked up at me confused, her tiny brows coming together. " trick?" Then she remembered her blue eyes shined as they widened and she nodded," oh!" She clapped her hands together and tried to focus hard. She grunted and chakra burst into the room. A sword formed in her hand and she had one blue eye... One red... " See daddy!!" She said it smiling.

He nodded amazed, " wow amazing... Who do you think she got it from?" He asked, looking at me. He mirrored my own confusion, " my eye isn't even my own...''He whispered it.

I shrugged, " maybe it is a mix? Because... The red eye... She says she can remember lots of things when she does it and can predict things." I said it quietly as Mizuki changed back and continued to color. I shook my head, "I told her not to do it because... she is so little... but.. Maybe it's beyond what we can understand?" I leaned over, taking his hands, " She will be strong... but...I want her to be a kid while she can..." I said it softly looking at the tiny little girl I loved too much. I looked back at Kakashi, "I have to say it is going to be nice not being alone in all of this... Not that we had much of a choice in it." I added the last part firmly when he looked at me guilty.

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