Trial # 2

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I sat on the bench looking like I was about to murder someone. Actually I looked at it because I was. I spun a kunai around my finger, staring daggers at the tree's. It's been a half hour, I know kakashi isn't the best with timing... But it was our date.

My anger sank to sadness as the minutes passed.... Had he forgotten? Was he waiting inside for me? I bit my lip as my thoughts started to race. The wind blew and something musky reached my nose. I froze and looked around... It smelled familiar actually. I couldn't put my finger on it. I felt something behind me and whipped around. Kakashi was on the building above me, walking along the edge of it reading. He stopped and looked down at me.

"There you are, what happened to dinner?" He was a little confused.

I folded my arms and turned away. I had decided to walk to a park nearby the restaurant so I wouldn't have to keep looking at it. I let out a sigh, "they thought I was too young to be in there... So they wouldn't let me in and kicked me out." I snapped, my date had been ruined. Because the waiter couldn't open her eyes.

I heard Kakashi land behind me and I turned to him with a frown. He then grabbed my hand and pulled me along. "Kakashi?" I let him lead me since I trusted him. I looked down... Here I thought that I had gotten older. I heard a door open and I looked up to see that we had re-entered the restaurant.

The waiter rushed but looked a lot livelier than before. She smiled at him, "back so soon? Your table is still free." She said, overly sweet to him.

I thought I didn't like her before, Kakashi sighed and raised his hand. "I have to say your extremely rude." He said it sharply, making the people around us get quite in shock. I blinked... Kakashi wasn't the nicest person but he had never called anyone out like that so meanly.

The girl looked horrified, I rolled my eyes. What a baby... She looked away from him unsure, "I'm sorry sir, what did I do?" She asked, trying to save herself.

Suddenly I was pulled from behind Kakashi and presented toward the girl. When our eyes met she looked annoyed, "I thought I told you bo-"

Kakashi raised his hand, "this is my date for tonight, she is old enough to date me. Did you even look at her ID? Before you kicked her out by simply looking at her?" He asked it like he would ask a child who had misbehaved, he held up my ID. How did he get that?

Kakashi to the rescue... Didn't see this coming. I heard someone clear their throat and we all looked to the bar. It was Shikamaru! What? Is he a bartender? I looked at him shocked, "sup kakashi sensei?" He nodded to him then me. "Hey Naruko, is there a problem?" He asked, glancing at the troubled girl.

The girl seemed to believe she could still win this, "Shika-san, this man is trying to tell me that this girl is old enough to be in here!" She proclaimed in a strained voice. She gestured to me in disbelief.

I looked at Shika who snorted, "she is older than me, Rina. Leave the poor people alone." He said it sounded tired and annoyed like always. He nodded to us, "go head drinks are on us." Then turned back to pouring shots for the bar. Kakashi pulled me along toward the back curtained area.

I giggled at his eagerness, it was cute. He kind of just moved me around until I was sitting in a dim candle lit closed curtained table across from him.

He let a breath out as he sat down, he cursed under his breath.

I gasped, "Kakashi! I think this is the first time I heard you curse." I said it laughing.

He rolled his eyes and handed me a menu. "Sorry, I'm a bit annoyed." He said it looking at me from over his menu.

I opened my menu with a smile, " Thank you, kakashi. " I said, glancing toward the door.

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