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I spent far too long looking for Kakashi, it didn't cross my mind to check where I had left him last. I sat in a tree observing him, I tried to clear my mind. I didn't know if I could pull off what they had told me to do? I mean I told myself it would be much easier to just kiss him... My face turned scarlet and I bit my lip. I mean... Why wouldn't he kiss me? Was he really in love with me? My mind went into a spiral as I thought about everything, I grabbed my head groaning silently. I was tired from not sleeping much yesterday and now this...

I sat waiting until it was later...

After he had stripped off his shirt to train. He now lay against a tree breathing heavily. He was upset I could tell since a few trees no longer stood. I closed my eyes and swallowed the nervous feeling in my throat.

I then swiftly and silently jumped from tree to tree and tried to stay down wind of him so he wouldn't know I was coming. I swung down landing silently next to him and as my heart rate picked up I swung my leg over his legs and sat on his lap.

Kakashi's eyes flew open and he stared at me in surprise then he relaxed. "Oh it's just you..." He then took in my stance and went to move me.

I ignored him and gently started to run my hands up from his V to his shoulders wrapping my arms around his neck. "Kiss me..." I whispered in a smooth voice. I blushed as I felt his hard muscles...

He stiffened like a statue under my touch. " n-nar-"

I pressed my chest against his and brushed my lips against his shoulder, "please kiss me-" I was shoved off him.

In that moment my heart shattered into a million pieces. I stared up at him in horror, my hands against my own chest.. This isn't how it was supposed to go!

Kakashi stared at me in horror for a second, "who are you?!" He yelled and then once tears started streaming down my face he looked completely heart broken.

I covered my face completely sobbing loudly now. I was such a fool... What was I even doing?

He wrapped his arms around me but I shoved him away and stood up going to run off but wrapped one arm around my waist and pinned me against a tree. "Naruko! Who made you do that!" He asked in an emotionless voice. He was angry now...

I sobbed loudly, " I asked Kiba how to get a guy to kiss you and she said you had to tease him till he broke. Then I went to Jiraiya -" before I finished he nearly growled and turned to go. "Wait!! Hey!!" I chased after him and grabbed his arm. " Please Kakashi! I'm sorry! I- I just wanted to try to get you to kiss me! It's my fault! I did it!" I cried out in a fearful voice. I said it in a rush, my heart pounding in my chest.

Kakashi let out a sigh and turned to me, " Naruko I'm not mad... Not at you anyway... It is the fact that he told you to act like that. Okay? He made you do something you normally would never do... You put yourself in a very dangerous situation Naruko... If I was any other man I would have done a lot more than just kiss you with that kind of acting, do you understand." He took my face and looked strongly into my eyes. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" He repeated sternly.

I shrank back from him nodding and sobbed a little. I held myself, "I'm sorry..."I said it in a low voice.

I reached out, taking me into his arms, he was breathing heavily, still angry. He ran a hand over my hair and down my back, petting me softly. He let a long sigh out and then kissed the top of my head, " Don't be sorry, Naruko... I am sorry if I scared you..." He said, taking a few more minutes before speaking again.

He started to relax then pulled my head up holding my chin and brushed away a few tears. " and how can you act like THAT but not be able to kiss me?" He asked softly. He had amused eyes at the moment, no longer angry.

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