•Part one

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"Hey, Faye, it's good to see you!" One of your best friends said as he gave you a hug.

"Oh, Lee, I missed you!" You exclaimed as you threw your arms around his neck. "How was the flight over here?"

"It was amazing! I can't believe you paid for us to fly out here, you don't even live in Spain!" Lee Jordan exclaimed to you.

"If I have the money and decide to get married in Spain, of course I'll fly my best friends out to attend the wedding!" You told him with a laugh. "Speaking of... where is everyone else?"

"Getting the bags, I came to see you because I am the bestest friend you have." Lee said and smirked, making you laugh again.

"Come on, let's go see the others." You said and wrapped an arm around your waist. "I will get someone to take your bag for you in a minute, wait until we meet up with all of the others."

"You have people to hold bags? How rich are you?" Lee asked and you two chuckled.

"You really want me to answer that?" You asked and he quickly shook his head.

"No, no don't remind me." He said.

Lee and you walked into a whole other part of the airport to meet the rest of your friends, catching up the entire way there.

"There she is! The one and only!" George Weasley exclaimed and dropped his bag.

"Ahh, Georgie!" You yelled and ran up to him, him throwing his arms open for you to jump into.

You jumped into his arms and wrapped your legs around his waist, your arms around his back and his arms around your waist. You smiled brightly into the hug and so did George.

You had seen Lee and some of your other friends quite recently, but you hadn't seen George or his twin brother, Fred, for ages.

"Come on, show me!" He said and gently put you back down on the floor.

You lifted up your hand and showed it to George, his eyes widening at the sight of the gorgeous ring on your finger. He grabbed your hand and bought it up to his face, looking at the ring in complete awe.

"How rich is this guy? Holy shit..." George said, his jaw dropped. "That is huge!"

"Let's see, let's see!!" Angelina Johnson said and pushed George out of the way, grabbing your hand and looking at the ring. "Oh my gosh, Faye, that's so gorgeous."

"It is, isn't it?" You asked with a smile.

"Oh, it really is!" Angie exclaimed. "He must be as rich as you."

"You think he paid for all of this?" You asked and her face fell.

"You paid for your wedding ring?" She asked in complete shock.

"Woah... what?" Your other best friend joined the conversation. "You paid for your wedding ring? What the fuck!?"

"Kylie, it's okay-" You started to say.

"No the fuck it's not! That is not okay, you don't pay for your own ring!" Kylie Howard said with anger. "Why did you let him do that, Faye?"

"He doesn't have a lot of money and I do, it felt weird." You shrugged. "And we have a shared bank account, so it doesn't really matter!"

"It matters, Faye." Kylie sighed. "I'm gonna have to have a word with this boy, where is he?"

"Back at the hotel, which is where we should all be heading." You said. "Does everyone have their suitcases?"

You looked around at all of your friends and smiled, not bothering to check if they had their luggage.

Kylie Howard, Alicia Spinnet, Angelina Johnson, Cedric Diggory, Lee Jordan, George Weasley, and Fred Weasley.

"I can't believe you all are here." You said with a huge smile on your face.

"You flew us out here, of course we are here." Fred Weasley said and put his arm around Kylie. "Thank you, by the way."

"Oh, it's nothing, really." You told him.

"So, how are we getting to the hotel? Do we each have a driver?" Alicia joked.

"Actually... yeah." You said and chuckled as her face slowly dropped.

"You're kidding, right?" Alicia asked you and you didn't say another word. "Oh, you aren't joking."

"You each have your own driver to use whilst your here." You told them and they all thought you were joking. "You can tell them where to go and they'll drive you, that is why they are here."

"Are you joking?" Cedric asked.

"No." You said.

"Really?" He asked you again.

"I'm not joking." You said. "But if you guys aren't comfortable with this, then-"

"No!" George was quick to say.

"We'll take the drivers!" Fred added on.

"Perfect, I'll grab someone to take your suitcases and we can leave." You said and walked off.

You got someone to grab the luggage and bring it all out to the many cars lined up and waiting for you and your friends. You walked out with your friends and the eight of you split off into separate cars.

The cars all drive to the hotel you had hired out for your friends and family, as well as your fiancés friends and family. You showed each of your friends to their rooms and then gave them a tour of the hotel.

They were all in awe of how huge and how luxurious the hotel was, none of them could believe it.

A few of your friends grew up wealthy, but some of them hardly had any money when they were growing up. You were neither of those two things, you had lots of money.

Your father was an amazing lawyer in the muggle world and he earned a lot of money each year, and your mother was the head of Cardiothoracic surgery at the hospital she worked at, so she made lots as well.

You were born into a really rich family, which made growing up both strange and nice. It was strange because sometimes you weren't sure if people were using you for your money, which they sometimes were, and it was nice because sometimes they weren't.

You were pretty lucky. 

Word Count : 1028

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