•Part four

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"If it's two o'clock right now, mum would have landed and is on her way as we speak." You told your younger brother.

"Did she get a driver?" Frankie asked you.

"Yeah, I offered to pay for a driver but she payed for one instead." You sighed. "I wish she would let me buy her something from time to time."

"Why would she? You're her only daughter, no parent wants to take money from their child." Frankie said. "Especially if they can pay for something themselves."

"Yeah. I know." You nodded your head. "So, where's Aimee?"

"What do you mean where's Aimee? She's at home." He shrugged his shoulders.

"What? Frankie!" You exclaimed. "I told you to bring her!"

"I didn't want to and neither did she! We've only been dating for a month, it would be weird if my sister paid for her to come to her wedding." He sighed. "And we would have to share a room, I'm only sixteen."

"When I was sixteen, I would have jumped at the chance to share a room with my partner." You said. "I don't know why you aren't, Frank."

"I'm not like you, okay?" He said with a rather raised voice. "Sorry, Faye, I'm sorry."

"I know, it's okay. Have you taken your meds today?" You asked him and he shook his head.

Frankie had always had pretty bag anger problems, he was diagnosed with ADHD a few years ago. He was usually quite good at taking his medication consistently, but he would sometimes forget and not take them.

"Okay, let's get out so I can give you them, come on." You said to him.

"You don't have to." He said.

"I do." You said. "You're already late taking them, you need to be consistent. Get out."

"Okay, mum." He rolled his eyes and stood up from the bar stool he was sat on.

You laughed and also stood up, the two of you making your way out of the pool. He walked up to the sun loungers you two had next to each other and sat down on a towel.

You grabbed your bag from underneath one of the loungers, rummaging through it to find a pack of tablets for Frankie. You found them and handed them to him, as well as a bottle of water from the bag.

Whilst he took his ADHD medication, you grabbed your book and some sunglasses to wear and read. You walked around your brother's sun lounger and to your one, making yourself comfortable on the towel.

You put your sunglasses on and opened your book, finding your page and started to read.

"Babe, have you seen my phone?" Mason asked you and you looked up.

He was stood in front of you, his chest and hair dripping wet and glistening from the sunshine. You bit your lip, forgetting what he had asked you because you were so mesmerised by his abs and other muscles.

"You like the view?" He asked and bent down to your height.

"Oh, I really do." You bit your lip again. "Of course I do, you know that."

"Three more days, love." He said and you groaned, he laughed at you. "I know, it's killing me as well."

"Why don't we just do it now? What's that saying, rip of the bandaid?" You asked.

"We can't, you know that." He said and you sighed, laying back on the sun lounger.

"Do you guys have to talk about that when in sat right here?" Frankie spoke up.

"If you don't like it, don't listen." You said and turned to look at him, he rolled his eyes at you. "Go back in the pool."

"Fine, but only because I don't want to hear another word of that." He said and stood up from his sun lounger.

You watched as Frankie slowly walked away from you and Mason, gagging and acting like he was going to throw up. You picked up his wet towel, scrunched into a ball and threw it at him.

He laughed and jumped over it as you threw it, rubbing into the pool and leaving you two alone.

"We can do other stuff, you know." Mason said as you turned back to face.

"Oh, yeah? Like what?" You asked him slowly and put your hands on his neck.

Mason didn't say a word, he just rested one of his hands on the sun lounger, the other on your upper thigh, his lips banging into yours. You kissed him back immediately and smiled into the kiss, so did he.

You giggled as he bit down on your lip, and it made him smile even more. He moved his hands and gently pushed your body back, making you lay you back flat against the back of the sun lounger.

He grabbed your knees and pushed them together, climbing onto the sun bed and resting his knees either side of your thighs. You smiled and looked into his eyes, not wanting to break eye contact until Mason smashed his lips against yours again.

It didn't take long for his tongue to find its way into your mouth and you were gently scratching his back with your long nails.

This would always happen. Mason and you would get quite intimate but never actually have sex. You would do other sexual things, but you would never have sex. Even if you both wanted to, he would stop it before it got too far.

It annoyed you, but you understood why he was stopping it and you went along with it.

"Mason, everyone can see us." You said, pulling away from the kiss.

"Let them watch, it's not like we're doing anything bad." He said and kissed your neck. "How does this feel?"

"Good." You whispered, he moved his lips from one side of your neck to the other. "So good."

"And this?" He asked and softly kissed your collarbone.

"Really good." You said quietly.

"How about this?" He asked and placed a kiss on the top of your breast.

"Mason." You whispered. "Mase-"

You were cut off by a towel being thrown at you and Mason, groaning as the towel hit his back. He groaned as well and looked behind him, Jason and Alicia stood there.

"Would you stop that already?" Alicia asked and placed a hand on her hip.

Word Count : 1061

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