•Part thirteen

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"What? How do you know he's here then? I'm confused now." Cedric said, trying to understand what you just told him.

"I hid from him in Frankie's room last night when Mason told him that our dad was back, he doesn't know that I know about my dad trying to come to my wedding." You told Cedric and he understood a bit more.

"Oh, okay, now I get it." He said. "Is he gone now or did he stay?"

"I've got no clue. I couldn't talk to Mason in the morning, he was gone when I woke up and I haven't had the chance to talk to Frankie today." You said to your best friend.

"If you want, I can take your mum into the town and get her out of your hair so you can talk to Frankie for a bit." He offered.

"No, no, I couldn't ask you to do that." You said, shaking you head to the offer.

"You aren't asking, I am offering to do this so that you can get some answers." He said.

"Are you sure?" You asked and he nodded.

"I'm positive." He said. "I'll take her into town for some shopping and then she can come with me to get Cho, they can get to know each other then."

"Oh, Cedric, thank you!" You exclaimed and threw your arms around him.

"Sorry to break up this moment, but your drinks are ready." The person behind the counter said to you and Cedric.

You two pulled away from each other's embrace and grabbed two drinks each, Cedric taking the bag of donuts as well. You two walked over to the table and sat down with your mother and your brother.

The four of you made conversation whilst eating a donut each and sipping on your drinks. You avoided the topic of your father and wanted to wait until you were alone with Frankie to talk about him.

After the four of you had hung out for a while and finished your drinks, Cedric took your mother out of the hotel and you were left alone with your brother. You two had walked out of the coffee shop and were just walking back to your hotel room.

"How did it go last night?" You asked him.

"It was so shit. Did Mason not talk to you when he got back?" Frankie asked you.

"Nope. He didn't say a word about dad to me, absolutely nothing." You sighed. "We talked about other things, but not dad."

"Oh. I really thought he would have told you what happened, I guess not." He said.

"So, tell me, what happened with dad?" You asked your younger brother. "I can't stop thinking about him."

"I know, me neither." Frankie sighed. "So, me and Mason went down to reception where mum and dad were last night, and it took everything for me not to punch him."

"And you didn't." You said.

"I didn't." He sighed with relief. "I really wanted to... but I stopped myself."

"I'm glad, Frankie." You smiled at him.

"I know, me too." He smiled at himself.

"Carry on." You told him and he nodded.

"Okay, so, he was refusing to leave and mum was just standing there watching, you know, as she always does." He said, rolling his eyes and getting annoyed.

"Frankie..." you warned him.

"Sorry." He apologised to you. "Anyway, he was arguing with us the entire time and it eventually took a worker to pull Mason away from dad because he was getting in his face and was about to beat the shit out of that pathetic excuse of a man."

"I didn't know that." You said quietly. "Why didn't he tell me that?"

"He probably didn't want you to know, he didn't punch him so there wasn't that much to tell." He shrugged. "We made him leave and promise to never come back."

"When has he ever kept a promise he made to either on of us?" You asked him.

"Never, but I know he'll keep this one." He said and you raised an eyebrow.

"Why this promise?" You asked. "Frankie... what did you do?"

"Nothing bad! I just threatened to report him to the police about the abuse he put you through." He said. "I would even show them the pictures, the proof. He wouldn't be able to deny it anymore."

You didn't say anything, you just took a deep breath in to process what your brother was telling you. You shut your eyes and took a second before opening them and looking at Frankie again.

"I told him I would do that if he came back, and I will if he does." Frankie told you.

You opened your door with your room key and the two of you walked in. Frankie was no longer talking, he was just following you into your room.

He sat down on your bed and you chucked your bag onto the armchair, sitting down next to your younger brother. He was sat there looking at you, he looked really sad, almost like he was about to cry any second.

"I'm not like him." Frankie said.

"I-" you were going to talk but Frankie cut you off with words of his own.

"My ADHD, it doesn't make me like him. I am not like him." He said, his lips parted.

"I know, honey, I know that." You said and put a hand on his shoulder, looking into his water-filled eyes. "You are nothing like him, you could never be like that man."

Frankie's teeth started trembling and he looked like he was about to burst into tears, so you wrapped your arms around him. He buried his head in your chest and let some tears fall out of his eyes.

You hugged your brother, trying your best not to cry with him, and let him cry against your chest. You rubbed his back and kissed the top of his head, comforting him as he sobbed in your arms.

"I'm not like him. I promise."

"I know, baby."

Word Count : 1015

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