•Part thirty

33 1 0

CW : a bit of foreplay

Fred and you were laying on a picnic blanket together. He sat resting up on his elbows and you were laying in between his legs, his fingertips dancing on your arm.

"This is so peaceful." You whispered to your husband. "I mean, just look at the view!"

"It's so beautiful, isn't it?" Fred spoke.

You turned your head to look behind you at Fred and he was looking down at you. As soon as your eyes landed on his, he turned his head and looked over at the ocean. You giggled and turned back around to watch over the sea with your husband.

"I think this is my favourite place." You said with a smile on your lips.

"What is?" He asked you.

"This. Being with you, on the beach." You said and he kissed the top of your head.

"I wouldn't wish to be anywhere else than here with you, Faye." Fred said.

"Me neither." You smiled.

"Wait, what am I meant to call you?" He asked and you got really confused.

"What do you mean?" You chuckled.

"Faye Weasley? Faye Lewis? Faye Lewis-Weasley? What is your last name?" He asked you and you thought to yourself.

"Weasley. I want to be Faye Weasley." You said and turned your entire body.

You pushed him so he was laying flat down on his back and you were laying on his stomach and in between his legs. You crossed your arms and looked up at him.

"I love that." Fred said. "Faye Weasley. My Faye Weasley, my wife."

"That sounds so strange hearing you say that." You laughed. "I'm your wife and you are my husband, that's crazy."

"Crazy, but I love it." He said, leaning down to kiss you on the forehead. "And I also love you, so very much."

"Oh, Fred." You smiled brightly. "My love for you could not grow any more, I swear."

"Come here." He smiled eye to eye at you and grabbed your hand.

He pulled you up and you were now knelt on the blanket by his knees. Fred was still holding your hands and he pulled you even closer to him, your body now sat on top of him and straddling his legs.

Fred let go of one of your hands and he held it against your cheek, kissing your lips softly and slowly. You let go of his other hand and your hands went up to each side of his neck, deepening the kiss even more.

His hands trailed down your body to your waist and he pulled you even closer which you didn't think was possible.

"I've never had sex on a beach." You giggled after pulling away from the kiss.

"Me neither, shall we give it a go?" Fred suggested and you nodded your head.

You slowly unbuttoned his jeans whilst your eyes were glued to his, and he undone your denim shorts at the same time. Your lips were parted and his eyes shot down to look at them, his hair falling in front of his eyes.

"You are so beautiful, Faye Weasley." Fred said to you, his eyes darting up to yours.

You couldn't help but blush at his words.

"Like, seriously, you are the most gorgeous girl I have ever met." He said. "And I mean that with my whole heart."

"Oh, stop it." You smiled brightly. "How did I get so lucky with you?"

"I should be asking you that question." He said as you pulled his shirt off for him.

You tossed his shirt to the side and he also took your crop top off, throwing it along with his shirt. You were now sat on Fred's lap with nothing but your denim shorts on, but they were unbuttoned.

You weren't wearing a bra, so both Fred and you were shirtless and only wearing some kind of denim bottoms.

"Oh, wow." Fred said, his eyes shooting down to your bare chest.

"You've seen my boobs a million times in just a week, Fred." You reminded him and smirked. "They haven't changed."

"I don't care, each time gets better." He said and smashed his lips against yours again.

Your hands flew to his hair and you arched your back to get a better angle whilst maintaining the kiss with your husband. He smirked against your lips and gripped onto your hips even harder.

"These shorts are gonna get in the way." He said, his fingers falling to the loops for a belt on your denim shorts.

"Rip them off, then." You shrugged and looked down at your shorts and his fingers.

Fred looked up at you like you were crazy before his fingers moved down and ripped your shorts open, revealing your lacy white underwear. You giggled as he did this and he thrusted his hips forward, pushing the both of you up.

He tugged his jeans down and you were sat right above his throbbing penis. You smiled and smooshed your lips against his, and he immediately kissed you back.

"We're gonna get sand everywhere." You said after pulling away from his lips.

"That doesn't matter, we can just go for a swim in exactly two minutes." He said and winked at you. "Perhaps a naked swim."

"Two minutes? You really think you can make me come in two minutes?" You asked and ignored the naked swim part.

"I have before, haven't I?" He smirked.

"Only because we had sex like five times in one day and I was so sensitive." You told him. "We've only had sex once today, and I know I won't come in two minutes."

"Again, that sounds like a challenge, my love." He leant over and kissed your neck.

"Oh, does it?" You smirked on top of him.

"Oh, it does." He kissed your lips.

"Mm." You moaned as he deepened the kiss and his fingers disappeared.

His index and middle finger danced around and trailed in between your legs. Your breath hitched and you felt his two fingers wonder underneath your underwear.

A gasp left your mouth as you felt those two fingers push into you, Fred's cock growing even harder underneath your wet pussy.

Word Count : 1035

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