•Part twenty six

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Fred and you calmed down and eventually got on your private jet. He gave the car keys to the valet and then the two of you made yourselves comfortable in the private jet.

You and Fred were both patiently waiting for the plane to take off and you were sat in your seats next to each other. In the middle of the two seats, there was a button you could press and a wall would come up for if you wanted a break from the person next to you, which you probably wouldn't need.

You had a lot of leg space and could roam around the jet if you wish to, there was also a television on the empty chairs in front of yours and Fred's chairs. There would be flight attendants coming around with a variety of snacks and drinks for you two.

The flight to Italy from Spain was just over two hours so you wouldn't be on the plane for too long.

"This is your pilot speaking, we are about to take off, so please make sure your tray tables are up and seat belts are on." The pilot announced over the speakers.

You made sure your seat belt was on and your tray table was up, and you also made sure Fred did the same, which he did. You looked at him with a smile on your face, grabbing his hand and squeezing it tightly.

"Are you ready for this?" Fred asked you.

"I am." You said to him. "Are you?"

"I am more than ready for this." He smiled.

You smiled right back at him, your eyes lighting up as you looked into his eyes.

"I can't wait to have some of the best time of my life with you in Italy." Fred said.

You didn't say anything back to him, you just smiled more at him and looked forward at the television in front of you. Your hand stayed locked with his and he also started to watch something on his own television.

Fred and you watched a different film on your televisions, your hands holding the entire time, and the plane took off. You weren't really paying attention to the film you were watching, you didn't even know what film it was.

All you could think about was everything that happened in such short time. You were getting ready for you wedding and was as happy as ever, but then you ran away with an ex-boyfriend and got on a plane to your house in Italy with him.

It all happened so suddenly and you hadn't processed anything properly yet. You were still in shock that you actually ran away with Fred, you weren't one hundred percent sure you actually wanted to.

Of course you wanted to, but you've known Mason for a lot longer and dated him for longer than you dated Fred. Surely Mason would be the obvious option, but you had a bit more of a connection with Fred.

You had no clue what to do.

You didn't know what to do and couldn't focus on anything.

"Faye? Faye, are you with me?" Fred asked and your attention snapped back to him.

"What?" You asked, looking over at him.

"Would you like a drink or something to eat, Ma'am?" The flight attendant asked you as you looked at her.

"Oh, could I just get a water, please?" You asked her and she nodded her head.

"Of course." She said and grabbed a bottle of water from her trolley. "Here you go."

You took the bottle of water from her hand and smiled at her to thank her, the flight attendant then walked away. You turned your head back around to pretend to watch your film again, but you weren't focused.

"Faye, what's going on with you?" Fred asked you and you looked at him. "It's like you haven't been focused since we got on this plane, you've barely spoken to me,"

"I'm just tired, it's been a long day." You said and sighed.

"I know." He said. "But I still don't think you're telling me the entire truth."

You sighed and shut your eyes.

"What are we doing here, Fred?" You asked him and opened your eyes.

"What do you mean? We're on a plane to go to your house in Italy." He said, obviously.

"Yeah, I know that. What I mean is, what are we doing?" You asked again.

"I don't know what you mean." Fred said.

"What is this? What are we?" You asked and he didn't know what to say. "Did I run away from my dream wedding so we could be boyfriend and girlfriend? Friends who have sex whenever they want? What is this!?"

You sighed and looked at him, almost like you needed to know the answer to the many questions you asked him. Fred didn't say a word and he just looked right back at you.

"F-Faye, I don't know what to say." He said.

"Say something." You sighed.

He didn't say anything.

"I am sat here in a wedding dress, Fred, just say something already!" You demanded.

He took a moment to think of something to say and finally did, so you listened to him.

"I don't want to just be fuck buddies or even boyfriend and girlfriend." Fred told you and you gulped. "I-I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to have children with you. I want dogs running around our feet at all times. I want you to be mine until the day I die, Faye Lewis."

"I want the exact same thing, Fred, but I don't know if you actually do want that life with me." You said. "You had Kylie. You had the most perfect girl in the world and you gave her up, you gave up your relationship with her for me!"

"I know! I know that!" He said. "I did that for you, I broke up with her to be with you!"

Word Count : 1007

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