•Part twenty eight

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Two days flew by and you hardly done anything during those days. Fred and you spent your time at your house in Italy just by yourselves and you had the best time.

Most of your time was spent having sex and doing inappropriate things to each other, which you both loved, but that was not all you two did. You went shopping, you spent all day by the pool in the garden, and you avoided all phone calls from everyone.

Your phone had been blowing up, as well as Fred's phone, but yours even more. When you looked, you only had messages and missed phone calls from family and friends, but none from Mason.

You understood that he definitely wouldn't want to even think of talking to you right now, let alone making an effort to actually talk to you. You weren't going to call him or message him, you were happy and that was something Mason would have to live with.

"How long are we here for?" Fred asked as he traced lines down your arm with his finger.

"As long as we want, we don't even have to leave." You giggled at the feeling. "Stop it, that tickles, Fred."

"Oh, does it?" He asked, a smirk forming on his face as he sat up.

"No. No, Fred!" You raised your voice as you know what he was about to do.

Fred chuckled and immediately started to tickle you all over your body. Your stomach, hips, neck, arms, feet, everywhere he could even think of, he tickled.

He kneeled up on the bed and straddled your lap so he could tickle you at an even better angle. You couldn't help but laugh at the feeling of him tickling your body. You were laughing so much that your stomach started to hurt.

"Fred, stop!" You giggled. "Freddie!"

Fred slowly did what you said and he stopped tickling your body, his eyes staring into yours as you calmed down. His hands were on your waist, his eyes glued to yours, and he was hovering above your lap.

He hesitated but you soon found his lips on top of yours, and you absolutely loved it.

"Again?" You laughed and kissed him back.

"If you've still got it in you, baby." Fred said and moved his lips to your cheek.

"Are you saying I can't?" You asked him.

"I don't know, am I?" He asked you.

"It sounds like you are, and that sounds like a challenge to me." You said, his lips slowly moving down to your neck and collarbone.

"How quickly do you think I'll be able to make you come?" He asked you.

"I give it an hour, you aren't that good." You shrugged your shoulders, biting your lip.

"Oh, really? I'm not that good? Is that why you were begging for me to fuck you just an hour ago?" Fred asked you.

"You must be mistaken, I was actually on the phone to Mason." You joked. "I just missed him so much, I want him to fuck the shit out of me."

Those words made Fred's jaw clench and you knew exactly what would happen. He would prove to you that you don't need Mason and never would, he was all you could ever ask for.

Fred's grip on your waist got even tighter and he moved his lips down to your boobs from your neck. You tried to hide what you were feeling but you loved him sucking your tits and giving you hickeys, it felt so good.

"No, we can't right now." You told him. "I need to shower, Fred, give me a minute."

"Why don't you just give me a minute, that will be all I need." Fred kissed your boobs.

"Nope, I need a shower." You said, nudging the man off of your body.

Fred was shoved to the side of you and was sat there looking at you with almost a disbelieving look on his face. You laughed at him and got up from the bed, pulling a blanket with you to cover your naked body.

Fred watched you as you wrapped the blanket around yourself and looked behind you at him. You winked and walked away from the huge double bed, straight to the connected bathroom in the room.

"Faye..." Fred whispered at you. "I don't even need two minutes to make you come, why don't you let me?"

"Really? Because I don't think you can, to be honest." You shrugged your shoulders and leant against the bathroom doorway.

"How about I show you?" He suggested.

"Go on then, show me." You smirked.

Fred didn't waste another second before jumping up from the bed and running over to you. He ripped the blanket from your body and picked you up, throwing you over his shoulder and wondering into the luxury bathroom.

You laughed as he did this and then he sat you down on the edge of the counter before hitting the shower switch on. Fred didn't wait until it warmed up and he just grabbed your waist, pulling you off of the counter and straight into the shower.

Freezing cold water hit your naked body, soaking your hair and goosebump filled arms. Fred laughed and his lips collided with yours, your hands going straight to the back of his neck and his landing on your hips.

Fred pulled your body close, not daring to break the kiss, and your body stuck to his wet boxer shorts. He was only wearing his underwear and you were wearing nothing, which was definitely going to be a problem.

"It's already been thirty seconds, you said you could make me come in two minutes and it isn't going well so far, is it?" You pulled away from the kiss and said to him.

"What? You're timing me now?" Fred asked you in disbelief.

"Forty five seconds gone, your time is very quickly running out, Mason." You smirked.

"Oh, fuck no." He said and immediately got down on his knees. "I need to make you forget his name by screaming mine."

"And how do you suppose you'll do that, Ma-" your words were cut off with a huge gasp at the sensational feeling down below.

Word Count : 1041

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