•Part nineteen

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Friday 16th May 2008, 8:30am

Angelina opened the makeup bag and got to work. She prepped your skin and applied some foundation to your face, starting to blend it in for you.

"Faye, do you need your nails doing?" Cho asked and leant against the vanity table.

"Actually, yes, I do. I was just gonna get them done downstairs at the salon, but if you can do them for me..." you trailed off.

"Of course I can, It would be my pleasure." She said, smiling at you. "What colour and design?"

"Design? You can do designs?" You asked.

"I can do any design you want me to, I used to practice all the time on my sister and my cousins." Cho told you.

"Oh, Cho, I owe you one!" You exclaimed. "I will quickly look at some pictures of simple designs for you to do, thank you!"

"I can paint your toenails for you whilst you pick out some designs." She offered and you very quickly nodded your head.

"Thank you so much, Cho, really!" You said and she giggled at you.

You and Cho discussed what nail colour and designs you want and she painted those for you. Angelina was still doing your makeup and Alicia was now out of the shower, Kylie was now in the shower.

Alicia was wearing a matching robe, but it was just light pink and said maid of honour on the back instead of bride. The other girls had the same colour robe as Alicia, but their robes said bridesmaid on the back of it.

She started to do her makeup as her hair was already dried and up in a bun for now, so she started on her makeup. Alicia was sat right next to you and you two were using the same mirror as Angelina did your makeup and Cho did you nails.

"How are you vows?" Alicia asked you.

"I think their good, I've already written and memorised them." You told her.

"Good. Do you think Mason will like them or not?" She question.

"I really hope so. I made sure to come up with some fun memories and other bits, I hope he'll like them." You said.

"I'm sure he'll love them, Faye." She said.

"Are you sure?" You nervously asked.

"I am positive, okay?" She smiled at you.

"Okay, Faye, you are all done." Angelina said and backed away from your face.

You looked in the mirror for the very first time since Angelina started doing your makeup, and you were in shock. You looked flawless, your makeup was done so well and you looked better than you ever had.

You had a nice clean foundation with some pretty but natural blush on top, and your eyes had a gorgeous neutral shade on top with an eyeliner wing. You looked amazing, you didn't know how to act.

"Oh my god, Angie." You said, shocked.

"Do you like it?" Angelina asked you, very hopeful for your response.

"Do I like it? Ange, I love it!" You yelled. "It looks so nice, oh my god."

"Oh, good! I don't know what I would've done if you didn't like it." She sighed with relief. "Is it good for your wedding?"

"Is it good? It's more than good, it's perfect for my wedding!" You exclaimed.

You didn't take your eyes off of yourself in the mirror whilst you spoke to Angelina, you were too mesmerised to look away. You only looked away when you heard a small knock at the door.

"I'll get it, you girls get started on doing your makeup." You told them and stood up.

You walked away from the makeup vanity and over to the front door, opening it and seeing who was stood on the other side.


Fred was stood there.

He didn't say a word when you opened the door, he just looked down at you with his lips slightly parted. His eyes were scanning your face in admiration.

"Woah- you look... woah." Fred quietly said.

"Thanks." You awkwardly laughed. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, uh, I just need to talk to Kylie for a second, if that's alright." He said to you.

"Oh, okay. I'll go grab her for you." You said and walked into the room, quickly stepping back outside. "Actually, you can come in."

"Are you sure?" He asked you, hesitant.

"Yeah, come on in." You told him and then stepped back inside the suite.

Fred followed right after you and shut the door behind himself. You walked back over to the other girls and sat down on your bed, Fred scanned the room for Kylie and then laid his eyes on her.

"You look beautiful, baby." Fred said to his girlfriend.

"Aw, Fred!" She giggled and walked over to him, throwing her arms around his body.

"Can we talk quickly, it won't take too long, I promise." He asked her and she nodded.

"Come with me." She spoke and opened the door to the balcony, stepping outside with her boyfriend behind her.

Fred shut the door for him and Kylie to talk in private, so none of you could hear them but you could all still see them. You were almost done for your wedding, you would just have to accessorise and finish your hair but that wouldn't take too long.

Whilst the other girls did their makeup or had a shower, you were sitting on your bed and watching Fred's conversation with Kylie. He looked really nervous and he was even fiddling with his fingers.

His mouth was moving and so was hers, she looked kind of upset but also understanding as she was nodding her head. Fred stepped forward and tried to grab her hands but she stepped backward away from him, her head shaking left and right.

Kylie held out a hand in front of her and he sighed, watching as she stepped over to the edge of the balcony. She rested her elbows on the handrail and took some deep breaths before standing up straight and looking at her boyfriend.

She started to talk to him and didn't give Fred the chance to say a word, she just told him what would happen.

Word Count : 1041

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