•Part thirty five

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"I told you not to come." Fred said and took a step closer to you. "What happened?"

"I-I couldn't, I needed to." You stuttered.

"That's pathetic." Fred said and stepped even closer to you. "You couldn't even control yourself for a few minutes, really?"

"Fred, it was impossible." You sighed, your breath still heavy from before. "You would too if you were in my position."

"You know what this means, don't you, darling?" He asked you. "No sex tonight, as your punishment for making yourself come instead of letting me."

"Woah, that's not fair." You said and picked yourself up, getting closer to him and he sat down next to you on the bed. "You had the chance to make me come, you just didn't take it when I offered it."

"Because I wanted to a play a game." He said and a smug smile appeared on his lips.

"And I wanted you to make me come, but I didn't get that." You bought your lips up to his ear and whispered. "So, why should I let you continue with your little game?"

"Fair point." He said. "If I can make you come in less than three minutes with just my tongue, can we play my game?"

"I wish we could, but you've got a game of volleyball to go to." You stood up.

You walked away from the bed and turned to look back at him. He was leaning back on the bed and you could see his tongue poking against the side of his mouth. You laughed and walked right out of the room.

You walked into the kitchen and started to make some breakfast for yourself. It took a few minutes, but Fred came out to join you and the two of you had breakfast together.

It was only something small, some toaster pancakes, but it was still good. You two talked for a bit before Fred had a shower and got ready for his volleyball game.

You tidied around some of the house whilst he was in the shower, and then you got a surprise ready for Fred. You sneaked into the bedroom and rummaged through the wardrobe to find a bag you put in there.

You found it untouched, which was a huge relief, and you went back out into the living room. You got everything out of the bag and started to get prepared for Fred.

You found out about this earlier and had been dying to tell Fred, it was almost driving you crazy. Somehow, you managed to keep it a secret until this moment.

Fred POV

I got out of the shower and got changed for the volleyball match my wife signed me up for. I was dreading going, but I know I had to and couldn't say no to this match.

Who knows? It might be a good opportunity to meet new people and get to know some of the locals here in Italy.

At least, that's what I hoped for.

Once I was dressed, I packed a bag with a few bits I may need. Some deodorant, a hat, some sunscreen and a few other bits. That was all ready, which meant I was all ready.

I opened the bedroom door with my bag in my hand, looking down at the floor. I turned around the corner and lifted my head up, dropping my bag on the floor and freezing in place.

My lips parted and I was in shock.

There she was, my beautiful wife.

She was sat on the white couch with a bag next to her and balloons surrounding the entire couch. There was a few banners all around the room and confetti everywhere.

We're having a baby!

That was what the banners read.

We're having a baby..?

Are we?

"Don't fuck with me." I said to my wife.

"I would never fuck with you." Faye said and stood up from the couch.

Faye grabbed the bag and took a few steps over to me, her hand free holding mine. A huge smile laid across her lips and I was still in utter shock, I didn't know what to do or even how to act, I couldn't believe it.

"Are you serious?" I asked, laughing in the middle of my words and a smile appeared on my lips. "Oh, Faye, are we pregnant?"

"Yeah, we are." She nodded frantically and water pooled in her eyes. "Say something."

I couldn't bring myself to say a word.

I was beyond happy. I couldn't contain myself.

I'm going to have a baby with Faye! My life goal has officially come true. Get married to the most perfect girl and have beautiful babies with that gorgeous girl.

It was all coming true, I was in such shock.

"Fred, please say something to me." Faye said and she began to grow nervous.

Faye had no reason to be nervous, none at all. She knew that she didn't need to be worried anymore when I bent over and threw my arms around her knees.

I picked up my wife and threw her over my shoulder, spinning around and holding her by the legs to support her. She was laughing so much and my smile never left for even a small second, I was so happy.

Slowly, I put Faye back down on the floor and cupped her face. I looked into her water filled eyes and laughed, kissing her lips so softly but so passionately at the same time.

When I pulled away, she laughed at me because now I had tears in my eyes and was so close to crying with her.

"Do you want to see the tests?" Faye asked me and I pulled my hands away from her.

"Mhm." I mumbled and she grabbed the bag that she dropped up from the floor.

I took the bag and held it open for her while she dug through it. After a moment, Faye pulled out three plastic sticks. I let go of the bag and took the three sticks from her hands, looking over and inspecting them.

Two very bold lines on each of the tests, six lines in total. I still couldn't believe it. Me and my wife were going to have a baby.

Seeing the very obviously positive pregnancy tests in my hand made it feel all the more real, which felt crazy. I looked at her and she had tears slowly streaming down her red cheeks, and it made me cry.

It was stupid, I hardly ever cry, but now I was crying with her. Tears feel down both mine and her faces, happy tears because of the new life we were officially starting.

"How am I meant to go play volleyball after you told me this!?" I exclaimed and Faye laughed at me, wiping away my tears.

"I don't know, but I had to tell you! I've been keeping this is a secret since yesterday and I couldn't do it anymore." Faye sighed as I wiped away her tears for her.

"Yesterday? And you didn't tell me?" I asked her with disbelief.

"Aren't you glad I told you, though?" She asked me and I nodded frantically.

"Oh, baby, I am so happy." I said with a massive smile on my face.

My hands trailed up and landed on my wife's belly. There was no bump there yet as she wouldn't be that far along, but I still kept my hands on her stomach.

I looked down at my hands on her stomach and then her hands moved to sit on top of mine. I then looked up, faint tear stains on both of our faces as well as huge smiles.

"I love you and this baby so much." I said to my wife, the love of my life.

"Oh, Freddie, I can't wait until this baby is born and we can have even more." Faye said and placed a kiss on my lips.

This is the end of the story! I had so much fun writing this and it is most probably one of my longer stories, but I have even longer stories in the works as you read this!

There will be one last chapter as a bit of a bonus one, it will be set in the future and will come out shortly after this chapter does.

I hope you enjoyed ready as much as I did writing, love you all. :))

Almost Final Word Count : 1412

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