•Part nine

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After agreeing to grab a drink with Fred at the bar, you went inside and grabbed a random hoodie from your brother's wardrobe. You put it on and also put your trainers back on, making sure you looked okay before leaving.

You waited a minute or two before actually leaving Frankie's hotel room. You took the lift down to the bottom floor and left the room block to head to the bar. You walked into reception and down the stairs that were in there, walking into the bar.

You walked in and saw Fred already sat at the bar with a drink in his hand, taking sips from the glass. He turned around and saw you, motioning you towards him.

"I didn't see you leave, how did you get down here before I did?" You asked him and sat down on the bar stall next to him.

"I have my ways." Fred winked at you.

"What you drinking?" You asked him.

"Whiskey." He told you. "What about you, what do you want?"

"I'll take an espresso martini, please." You said to him and he nodded his head.

"Can I get an espresso martini?" Fred asked the bartender and she nodded. "Cheers."

The bartended started making your drink and you stopped watching, turning to look at the man sat next to you.

"How did you find out about Kylie and your co-worker?" You asked Fred.

"Looked through her phone." He said and your eyes widened. "Oh, don't give me that look. I had my suspicions, so I had a quick look through her phone."

"Quick look? Wouldn't it take longer than just a quick look to find out she slept with one of your co-workers?" You asked and he bit the inside of his lip.

"Fine, you caught me, it was a lot more than a quick look." He sighed. "She was in the shower and I stole her phone from the bathroom, went through the entire thing."

"Shit." You dragged out.

The bartender placed your drink on the bar in front of you and smiled, you looked up at her and smiled too. You grabbed your drink and began taking small sips whilst talking to Fred about him and Kylie.

"How did she find out about us?" You asked him and put your drink down on the bar.

"How do you think? She looked through my phone and saw the pictures." He said.

"No... what pictures?" You asked, worried.

"Take a wild guess, guess what pictures she saw of us." He told you and you sighed, taking a deep breath. "Yeah. Those ones."

Fred and you got drunk quite a lot whilst you were in a relationship and when you two got drunk, it was crazy. When you two were drunk, you would be having sex like crazy and were so intimate together.

Sometimes, you both would take pictures of each other during sex or send sexy pictures to each other. Some of those photos would save to your camera rolls and you two never thought to delete them.

"What one?" You asked him, mentally preparing yourself for the answer.

"Almost all of them, she didn't see the worst ones, though." He said.

"Their all terrible, what ones are you talking about?" You asked.

"The ones where you're sucking my dick and the minute long videos of us having sex, Faye." He said. "You're lucky she didn't see those."

"I'm lucky? I think you're the lucky one, she is your girlfriend and they were on your phone, and you're calling me lucky?" You said and he rolled his eyes.

"Do you not remember what she did to get expelled in seventh year?" He asked you and you knew exactly what was on about.

"Fuck." You swore. "I don't want her to rip my hair out and try to scratch my eyeballs out of my fucking head."

"You better run then." He said and looked behind him, your head turning around as fast as it possibly could.

There was no one standing behind you, making Fred laugh at your reaction to his words. You turned back and slapped the man on his shoulder, picking your drink up and downing it.

"Hey, a shot of your most expensive vodka, please." You ordered from the bartender.

"Coming right up, darling." The bartender said and winked at you.

"Dude, don't do that." Fred said. "You know the wedding that's happening here? Yeah, she's the bride."

"Oh, shit! Sorry, I had no clue!" The male bartender said and quickly walked away to make your drink.

"Better be fucking sorry." Fred said under his breath and you looked at him. "What?"

"Why did you do that?" You asked him.

"Do what?" He asked you.

"That. Defend me when I am perfectly capable to do so myself." You said to him.

"Your husband isn't around to defend you, just let me for now." He said.

"He isn't my husband yet, we haven't gotten married." You said. "Two more days."

"Don't remind me." He groaned. "I might not even have a date to your wedding, that'll be so awkward."

"I'm sure Kylie will come around soon, she always does, Fred." You reassured him.

"I hope so." He said. "I think I really fucked this one up, Faye, I really think I have."

"You haven't, it'll be alright." You said. "She will come back and apologise by the end of the night, I'm sure of it."

"I really hope you're right." He sighed.

Fred and you spent a while together in the bar until the closed and kicked you out. The two of you got quite drunk and were leaning on each other as you stumbled around.

You and Fred turned the corner to go back to your room block and when you turned the corner, you laid your eyes on Kylie. He hasn't noticed his girlfriend was standing there and was still looking at the floor, slurring random things under his breath.

Kylie was standing there with her arms crossed, looking right at her boyfriend.

Word Count : 1012

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