•Part seventeen

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"As your maid of honour, it is my obligation to make sure you have everything." Alicia said to you as all five of you walked into the bridal shop.

"I know what I need to get, Alicia." You said to her for the fifth time.

"Okay, then. Name us the four things you need to have at your wedding." She said.

"Something old, something blue, something used, something new." You told her.

"Perfect!" She exclaimed.

"What of those of you have?" Cho asked.

"Something old, my grandmother's old necklace." You told them.

"Is that all?" Kylie questioned you and you slowly nodded. "Wow. You really need to get a move on, you hardly have anything."

"Oh, Faye, please tell me you've bought a dress!" Angelina begged. "You have, right?"

"Of course I have, I'm not that forgetful, Angie." You told her and she sighed with relief. "What am I meant to get for the other three somethings?"

"It's obvious, something blue, new and used." Alicia said.

"I know that, but what do I get?" You asked her, getting a little big frustrated.

"You've got a necklace, you're getting a ring tomorrow, so you need some earrings and maybe a bracelet or two." Cho spoke.

"Actually, I can't wear any bracelets with the dress I've got." You told them. "Maybe I could get some blue earrings, or just new?"

"Let's see what they have in here." Kylie said and led all of you to the back of the bridal shop.


You spent the day with four of your closest friends in the nearby town in Spain, and it was amazing. You got everything else you needed for the wedding and you were ready to get married to the love of your life.

You already had your something old, so you got a something blue and something new, but you had yet to come up with something used in less than a day. You were hoping that your mother would surprise you with something used like she did with the necklace, but you weren't relying on it.

Your three bridesmaids, maid of honour and you walked back to the hotel and watched the sunset on the way home. The five of you got some dinner and then you went to reception to find out where the huge bridal suite was in the hotel.

In the hotel, there was two room block, and you were in block A. Your side of the family and your friends were all in block A, and Mason's friends and family were in block B, as well as the bridal suite.

The bridal suite was on the entire top floor of block B and had the correct amount of beds to accommodate how many people would be staying in there. You didn't want to see Mason on the night of your wedding, so your bridesmaids and maid of honour offered to stay in the suite with you.

You told them they didn't have to do that but each of them insisted. All five of you moved some of your stuff into the bridal suite and you made sure your dress and other accessories you need were already in the suite and ready for you.

"I'm hungry." Kylie spoke as she laid down on her bed she was sharing with Cho.

"You're always hungry, Kylie." Angelina said and sat down on the bed she was sharing with Alicia.

"I know, but I'm really hungry." Kylie said.

"We had dinner an hour ago." You said. "If you want, I can order some room service."

"Nah, it's expensive." She said.

"Yeah, I don't get that. I thought this entire hotel was all inclusive, why do we have to pay for room service?" Cho asked you.

"It is, but the room service is really good because they use a lot of expensive products in the food." You explained them. "Yes, it is expensive but I'll pay, I'm hungry, too."

"No, no, it's fine, I can pay." Kylie said.

"Kylie, let me pay." You told her. "I'm not taking no for an answer, had anybody seen the menu?"

"It's by the mini bar." Alicia told you, sitting with Angelina on their bed.

You stood up from your bed and walked over to the mini bar, finding the menu and bringing it over to Kylie to look at. Whilst she looked over the menu, you walked back to the mini bar to see what there was.

You wanted a drink but you didn't want to get drunk, you did not want to have a hangover on your wedding day. You looked in the mini fridge and saw small bottles of gin, so you grabbed some gin and tonic to make yourself a drink.

You also made the girls some drinks whilst they called reception and ordered some nice and fancy snacks to the suite. The snacks arrived not long after they were ordered and you all dove right into them.

Snacking on the snacks, sipping on the drinks and gossiping together, you give had one of the best nights of your life. You were having so much fun with your best friends and you didn't want the night to end, but you also did.

You really wanted the night to be over as quick as possible becquse that meant you would be getting married sooner and you could not wait to be Mason's wife. Hearing those two words in your head made you feel things, you were so happy to even think of being called Mason's wife.

"You've got everything ready for the morning, yeah?" Alicia asked you, turning to face you in her bed.

"I think so, I hope so." You told her, turning to face her in your bed next to hers.

"Jewellery, dress, shoes, accessories?" She asked you and you nodded at everything. "Sexy underwear for the night?"

"Oh my god." You said and held a hand over your open mouth. "Fuck! I didn't buy any sexy underwear!"

"You didn't?" Angelina asked from next to Alicia, joining in on the conversation.

"Didn't what?" Cho spoke up.

"I didn't buy any sexy underwear." You sighed.

"Oh shit." Kylie swore.

"You're in lucky, pretty girl." Alicia said and got out of her bed. "I knew you would forget something, so I made sure to buy you some very sexy lingerie for your night with him."

"Oh, Alicia, I could kiss you!" You yelled as she picked up a bag and threw it at you.

You looked at the lingerie that Alicia bought for you and you were shocked, it was so beautiful. After admiring it, you put it back in the bag carefully and put the bag down on the floor.

You then gossiped even more with your best friends before you peacefully fell asleep.

Word Count : 1135

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