•Part thirty four

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CW : kinky foreplay, self-pleasure, edging

You gulped when he looked at the remote.

Fred's fingers traced the buttons on the tiny remote and he smirked, looking back up at you. Your hands were tied up against the headboard and your feet were rubbing together with nerves.

A button was pressed by your husband and you felt a ton of vibrations shoot from the flower shaped you and into your soaking wet pussy. Your hands fisted as you felt so much sensation and couldn't do much about it, and Fred wasn't doing anything.

It had only been a few seconds and you could not control the noises exiting your wet lips. Moans leaving your mouth, your head leaning back and hitting the board behind it, your entire body squirming.

Your toes curled and you squeezed your eyes shut to try and take a moment, which didn't really work.

Out of nowhere, the vibrations stopped.

"W-What?" You questioned, out of breath.

"Fuck, look at you, Faye." Fred laughed and stood up from the bed. "Already soaking wet, all because of a sex toy."

"Yeah. So?" You gulped.

"It's pathetic, really." He shrugged. "Such a shame, though."

"What is?" You asked your husband.

"I'm not gonna let you come." Fred told you and you sighed. "I am going to leave that vibrator right there, and you are not going to come because of it."

"Fred... no, that's not fair." You sighed. "I won't be able to do that, you know that."

"Yes, you can do that. If you do end up coming on top of a piece of rubber, you won't get sex later tonight." He told you.

"Freddie..." you trailed off. "Come on."

"I'm going to leave and come back in half an hour, and if those ropes loosen even a little bit, I won't fuck you tonight." Fred said.

"That is not fair." You shook your head. "I have to, I can't just leave it like that."

"You can, and you will." He told you. "Half an hour, that's it."

"I can't do that for half an hour." You rolled your eyes and groaned at him.

"Too bad, baby." He said and turned away.

"Half an hour, Fred! Please!" You begged.

He didn't say another word and he didn't stop walking away from you. The remote in hand, he switched a button and walked out of the bedroom, shutting the door.

You moaned out loud as you felt vibrations against your very sensitive clit.

"I am gonna kill you Fred Weas-" you yelled and your words got cut off by a loud moan.

The vibrations sped up and made almost your entire body shake with such pleasure, you couldn't contain yourself. Your toes curled and your hands fisted once again, a lot of moaning leaving your lips.

So many different noises were exiting your mouth and you hadn't heard them before, but they were good noises. Every single one of the vibrations that were shooting up your entire body, and you could already feel your body about to reach its climax.

You knew you couldn't orgasm because Fred told you not to, but you really couldn't help it. You were so close to reaching the top of your climax and you were struggling to hard to contain yourself.

Just as you felt yourself about to finish, you also felt the vibrations stop right there and then. You were so confused and so frustrated, you didn't know what happened.

You looked down and saw the flower was no longer moving, making you even more confused. You didn't do anything... but you then realised Fred probably did. He must have turned off the vibrator using the remote, and it was made you so frustrated.

You were so sensitive that just the touch of someone, something, would make you come right then and there. You were so desperate, it practically hurt because of how much you wanted and needed to reach this climax.

Your lips were parted and tears were sat on your waterline, about to cry because of how much you needed this frustration gone. You felt you had no other choice and the silk ties around your wrists were loose enough to free yourself from them.

You tugged your hands and broke free from the silk ties, sighing and bringing your hand down to your pulsing pussy. Not a second was wasted and you started to rub your clit with your thumb, shudders leaving your quivering lips as you did so.

You knew it wouldn't take you long to make yourself come because of how sensitive and desperate you were. With your thumb still rubbing circles around your clit, you pushed two fingers into yourself and let out a loud moan.

You gripped the duvet with your spare hand and curled your fingers, thrusting them in and out of you, your thumb still working on your clit. You could already feel yourself dangerously close to climaxing, but you also knew Fred didn't want you to come.

He didn't want you to, especially not under your own fingers or a toy. It was all getting so much and you didn't feel like you could control yourself anymore.

Your thighs were shaking and you threw your head back, moaning and groaning.

"Oh my god, fuck!" You screamed. "Fuck, oh, Fred."

Your husband wasn't even in the room with you but it felt like he was, you had an image of him in your head.

"Shit, oh my-" you moaned. "Fuck!"

With that and one more thrust of your two fingers, you reached your climax and came all over your fingers. You sighed with a lot of relief and pulled your fingers out.

Fred must have heard you moaning and yelling because you heard the bedroom door swing open and hit the wall. Your eyes opened and you looked over at the doorway, he was stood in it looking at you.

"I told you not to come." Fred said and took a step closer to you. "What happened?"

Word Count : 1008

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