•Part fourteen

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The day went by quickly and you had a very good day. You spent the entire day with Frankie, hanging out with him in your room and cheering each other up before you left.

You two went down to the pool for a bit and hung out there until your friends all came down and joined you. Cedric soon came back to the hotel with your mother and his fiancé, Cho Chang.

You welcomed her and thanked her for coming. You also made sure to transfer her and Cedric some money because they had to pay for their own flight and you didn't want that at all.

You spent the rest of the day at the pool with a few of your friends and your family, you all had the best time. You hadn't seen Fred or Kylie all day, there where nowhere to be seen.

You had no clue if they made up or if they had another argument, and you wanted to know what happened.

"Hey, baby." Mason's voice said from behind you, his arms wrapping around your waist. "I missed you today."

"Oh, I missed you, too." You said with a smile on your face as you turned your head to look at your fiancé. "How was your day?"

"Terrible because you weren't there with me." He said, kissing your neck and making you giggle.

"No, I'm serious." You laughed.

"It was alright. We went for a few drinks and bought some stuff, the usual." He said.

"Who went?" You asked him.

"Just me and the boys." He said. "How was your day, my love?"

"It was good, I hung out with Frankie all day and my mum is here now, so we spent the day together." You said with a smile.

"I'm glad you had fun." He said, kissing you on the lips and pulling away. "Where are they, how come you're all alone?"

"I wanted to relax out here for a bit, their over there in the far corner of the pool." You said and pointed your mother and Frankie out to Mason. "See, other there."

"Oh, yeah. I see them." He said, looking at where you were pointing. "Look at Frankie, he looks really happy."

"He does, doesn't he? I'm really happy for him, I think his meds are helping." You said with a smile on your face, still looking at your brother and your mother.

"I think your parents getting a divorce also helped with that." Mason pointed out. "His entire attitude has changed ever since, but his medication also helps it, I'm sure of it."

"I agree." You said.

"It's good to see a smile on that kids face, I like it." Mason said, a smile on his face.

"I'm so happy that he's happy." You said, also smiling with Mason at Frankie.

"I know you are." He said and turned his attention back on you. "What are you doing tomorrow?"

"Going out with the girls to get some more stuff for the wedding." You told him. "What about you?"

"Probably hanging around here with the boys, but I'd rather go with you." He said, a smirk on his face.

"No, you know you can't!" You said, laughing at the expression on his face. "If I'm getting stuff for our wedding, you can't see anything I get!"

"Fine, fine. I'll stay here." He said. "Is your brother going with you?"

"Probably. He feels a bit strange around all of our friends, we are all years older than him and he doesn't really want to hang out with my mum the entire time." You told your fiancé.

"He's always welcome to stay here with me and the guys, he knows that." Mason said.

"Yeah, I know. I just want him to feel as comfortable as possible, even if that means he tags along with me." You said.

"Whatever you two want, babe." Your fiancé said and placed a kiss on your lips. "You coming swimming?"

"Sure, why not?" You shrugged your shoulders and stood up.

You and Mason joined the others in the pool and you all hung out in there for quite a while. You played catch with a water ball, messed around together and just had a lot of fun with each other.

After a while of swimming, you, Mason, Frankie and your mother all got out of the pool to dry yourselves off. You all got dry and noticed the sun started to set, which meant you all should go up to your rooms.

The three rooms were all in the same block so the four of you wondered over to the lift together. You reached your mothers floor, and then Frankie's floor, saying goodbye to the two of them and leaving you and Mason alone in the lift.

Mason and you talked whilst you waited for the loft to reach the top floor, yours and his room. You two wondered into your room and the both of you got in the shower.

You two got ready after your separate showers and were finally ready to head off to get some dinner at the buffet. You were unsure if you were just having dinner with Mason, or if you would be joining your family or friends.

You wouldn't mind if anyone joined you.

"Hey, guys." George said, stood next to his twin brother, Fred, and best friend, Lee.

"Hey, Georgie." You said, smiling at him, Fred and Lee. "How are you?"

"I'm good, thanks. How's the bride doing? I can call you that, right?" George asked you, turning to look at Mason.

"You can call her the bride, I mean, she is a bride." Mason said.

"Actually, I won't be until Friday." You said to George and Mason, correcting them.

"My bad." He said to you.

"Do you three want to join us?" Mason asked Fred, George and Lee.

"Yeah, sure." Lee said.

"I actually can't, I have to find Kylie, I owe her another date." Fred sighed.

"She can come too, if she wants." He said.

"No, no, that's fine." Fred said. "I'll get out of your way, enjoy your food."

"Cheers, mate, you too." Mason said, giving Fred and small fist bump as he walked off.

Word Count : 1041

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