•Part three

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You turned around and saw your fiancé about to get in the pool, his best friend next to him. You smiled and said goodbye to Fred before standing up and walking up the steps to the pool.

You stood in front of him and threw your arms around his neck, his arms going right around your waist. You placed a kiss on his lips, pecking him twice before pulling away.

"Jason, it's good to see you again." You said as you turned to face your fiancés best man.

"You look good, as always." Jason said and grabbed ahold of your hand, laying a small kiss on the back of it, making you smile.

"Hey, no flirting with my fiancé." Mason spoke up and put an arm over you. "Go flirt with one of her friends, or anyone else."

"Is there anyone to flirt with? I though all of your friends were taken?" Jason asked you.

"Only a few." You said and turned around, getting a view of the entire pool where all your friends where hanging out together.

"Kylie isn't available, she's dating Fred, and Angelina's married to Lee, so obviously she is off limits." You said. "There is Alicia, she doesn't have a boyfriend anymore."

"Anymore?" Mason asked. "Wasn't she dating that dude from your school... what was his name again?"

"Oliver, they broke up a few months ago, I just forgot to tell you." You told him.

"Oh, okay." Mason shrugged.

"Anyway, that's all my girls, but there are still some of my boys left over." You said to Jason. "Like I said, Lee and Fred are in relationship's already, Cedric has a fiancé back at home, Cho, and I guess that just leaves George, he's single."

"Perfect, so I've got my options." Jason said with a smirk on his face. "Thanks, beautiful, you've really helped me out."

"I'm sure you'll find a date somewhere, we still have three more days until the wedding." You said to him.

"Good, that gives me some time." Jason said. "I'm gonna go work my magic, I'll see you two around."

You and Mason said goodbye to Jason as he walked through the shallow end of the pool to Alicia. He sat down next to her and got a drink from the bartender, as well as getting Alicia a drink to start off their conversation.

You two laughed at him before Mason pushed you down the pool stairs, falling face first into the water. He laughed at you before jumping in and joining you, his arms shooting around you waist and spinning the two of you around.

"I hate you sometimes." You laughed at him and threw your arms around his neck.

"Oh, you love me really." Mason said with a smirk on his face.

"I guess I do." You rolled your eyes at him.

"Are you excited?" He asked and you raised an eyebrow. "Are you serious?"

"I'm only joking, of course I'm excited! I cannot wait to get married to you, are you kidding?" You said with a huge smile. 

"We can have our prefect wedding with everyone we love, and then we can have the perfect wedding night we've always dreamed of having." Mason smiled at you.

"Are you looking forward to that? I know I am." You said, still smiling at him.

"Am I excited? Of course I am!" He exclaimed. "We can do it on the beach, or on the plane, maybe in the huge bed?"

"We can do it wherever you want to, my love." You said and leant down to kiss him.

You grew up in a family of Christians, you went to church every Sunday, you would pray all the time, but your parents weren't overly religious. They didn't mind if you wouldn't pray or if you skipped a day of church, which you were grateful for.

Mason's family however, they were the complete opposite to yours. They would punish him for not praying or not going to church on a Sunday. His family were super religious, which meant Mason was super religious, just like his entire family were.

It had always been an unsaid rule that most Christians had to wait until marriage to lose their virginity, but you didn't wait. You had sex for the first time when you were seventeen and didn't tell anyone, the only people that knew was the guy you slept with and your best friends.

You never told Mason that you had already lost your virginity because he was saving himself until marriage and wanted his wife to as well. He was a virgin and you knew and respected that, but he didn't know that you weren't a virgin.

"Hey, Faye, your friends want to meet Mase for the first time!" Frankie yelled from the pool bar, getting your attention.

"You wanna meet some of my friends?" You asked Mason and he nodded. "Come on."

You and Mason swam together to the pool bar and stood up straight behind all of the small stalls in the water. A few of your friends turned around and started to talk to Mason, introducing themselves and getting to know him a little bit.

Most of your friends where there with you and Mason, talking with you two, but a few were off in the pool somewhere else. Fred and Kylie were messing around in a corner of the pool together, and so were Angelina and Lee.

You didn't mind that they weren't meeting Mason straight away, they would still have their chance to get to know him later on.

"Do you know when mum's getting here?" Frankie asked you as you sat down on the stall next to him.

"I'm not sure, I think she's still on the plane." You told him. "I don't actually know what the time is, mum could have landed by now."

"Hey, do you know what the time is?" He asked one of the bartenders.

"There's a clock up there, honey, it's two o'clock right now." The bartender said.

"Thank you." Frankie smiled at her and turned back to carry on the conversation.

Word Count : 1021

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