•Part twenty three

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Faye Lewis POV

"I love everything about you. I-I love how your face lights up when you see a stray dog, I love that you always have to pet the dog, I love how much you love your friends and your family, I love the way you love mushrooms and will order a huge bowl of them at a restaurant. Even the things I don't like, I love." Fred Weasley said.

Everyone in the room was looking around at each other, horrified looks on their faces.

"I love you and I want you to be with me, not him. I love you and I think that you love me, too..." Fred slowly said and took one step forward.

Nobody said a word.

You were stood a few feet away from Mason and wasn't even looking at him, you could not take your eyes off of Fred. He looked so nervous, he looked like he was about to throw up at any moment.

Your jaw dropped, your eyes bouncing from Fred to people sat down, your mind filling with different memories with Fred whilst also trying to process what he just said. You had absolutely no idea what to do.

"Faye-" Mason said and grabbed your arm, trying to get your attention back but got cut off by Fred opening his mouth to talk again.

"Do you?" Fred asked loudly, his eyes only on yours. "Faye..."

You turned you head to look at Mason. His lips were parted and he looked like he was going to cry even more, sad tears this time.

Your eyes left Mason and you turned back to look at Fred.


Hand in hand, you ran out of the alter and straight to the car park, guests following behind the two of you. You two ran to the car park and he got his keys out of his pocket, unlocking the car.

You opened the door and jumped into the car, he done the same next to you in the drivers seat.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked you.

"I am positive, start the car." You said and he didn't say anything. "Start the car, Fred."

Fred Weasley smirked and did what you told him to, he started the car.

"Where we we going?" Fred questioned.

"Fuck, I don't know." You said.

You looked out of the window and saw your brother and your ex-fiancé walking towards the car. You knew you couldn't face either one of them, so you told Fred to drive.

He drove off with you and him in the car, leaving the car park and heading for the motorway.

"Faye, you kind of have to know." Fred said.

"I know that." You sighed.

You thought you yourself about where you and Fred could go, and then realised.

"The airport, go to the airport!" You said to Fred and he grew very confused. "I have a house in Italy, we can be there in less than two hours on my plane."

"Oh, I love how rich you are." He smirked.

Fred pushed down and the car went even faster than before, heading for the airport.

"Wait." You said.

The car slowed down as you were actually realising what you had just done.

"What's wrong?" Fred asked, glancing at you and also keeping his eyes on the road.

"Stop the car." You said, staring forward.

"What?" He asked you, his eyes widening.

"Stop the car!" You repeated with a louder voice than before.

Fred found a safe place to pull over and he did, turning the engine off. Once the car was stopped and there was no other cars coming, you opened the car door. You stepped outside of the car and looked at your surroundings.

"Faye, what are you doing?" Fred asked you as he shut his car door, getting out.

"I don't know!" You shouted at him as you walked away from the car.

"Come back, Faye, it's getting dark." He said and leant against the car boot.

"No. I have to go back." You said.

Fred stood up straight right away.

"Woah- what!?" He rushed over to you. "To do what?"

"I don't know. To say sorry... maybe?" You asked yourself as you continued to walk off.

"Faye..." Fred whispered and he stopped walking. "I don't know what you think you'll accomplish if you do this. Mason won't be able to forgive you, he won't marry you."

"That's not what I want! It's not like I walk back in there and get married!" You shouted at him.

You turned around to face him.

"I'm not asking you to, why would I want that? I want you, I want you to want me, as well." Fred said, his voice getting quieter.

"I do want you. I've wanted you for years, it killed me when I couldn't have you anymore, Fred." You admitted, sighing.

Fred and you stood apart from each other, only looking at each other's eyes. Your lips were parted and Fred gulped, his adams apple moving against his throat.

You thought about something and took a second to properly think about it.

"I want you." You said and took a few steps forward, getting closer to him. "I want you."

Fred's eyes trailed down from your eyes and to your lips as you spoke. You took another step closer to Fred.

"Are you hearing me, Fred Weasley?" You asked him and his eyes drifted back up to yours. "I want you... so bad."

Fred realised what you meant and he didn't waste another second.

Before you knew it, your lips were on his and the two of you were passionately making out against his car. Fred pinned you against the car and you were moaning as he gently bit down on your bottom lip.

Fred had his hands on your hips but he moved one of them up to your face, the other opening the back door of the car.

"The back of a car? Really?" You asked and pulled away from him.

"If you think you can resist, you're welcome to get back in the front." Fred smirked.

You smirked at him and grabbed onto the collar of his shirt, pulling him back into your lips. You two climbed into the back seats of the car, the windows fogging up.

Word Count : 1056

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