•Part seven

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TW : mentions of abuse, small panic attack

"Anyway, is that still on for the wedding day?" Mason asked Frankie.

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" Frankie asked.

"Because your father's here." Mason said.

You had no clue what the two were talking about as this was the first you had heard anything about this plan they had. Their plan completely slipped your mind once you heard Mason say your father was here.

You weren't in contact with your father or your mother, but that was your own choice and they knew that. Frankie was still in contact with them, he lived with them, but that doesn't mean it was his choice.

Your mother and father weren't there for you or Frankie during your childhood, you had to fend for yourselves. They were both always at work, they were both constantly busy with their jobs.

Being a lawyer and a surgeon, they couldn't not to busy, but they could have made some time for their kids. They bought home the money and a lot of it, they used that money to hire servants and maids to care for you and your brother.

You were grateful for the money you had whilst growing up, but you just wished your parents had been there for you instead of giving you money to make up for it. Frankie felt the same way but he never expressed his feelings like you did.

One day, you were so sick of never seeing either of your parents for more than five minutes a day, and you confronted them about that. You screamed at your father for not being there for you or Frankie and in return, he slapped you.

You had never seen your father like that and neither had your mother or your only brother, it was a huge shock. He didn't just hit you once, he had started to hurt you in many ways in such a short amount of time.

You didn't even do anything, you were too scared to even more around your father and he knew that. He used that fear you had against him and turned that into power for himself.

He would get stronger and stronger, causing you more and more pain almost everyday. Your father would come home from work and look forward to beating you any chance he got, it was like he loved it.

Your mother stood by and watched her husband abuse her only daughter, you had no idea how she could do that. She never spoke up to him and you knew why, you just didn't know why she couldn't do it for you just once.

Your father hated you, but he loved Frankie so much. He would never date lay a finger on him and would show him tons of affection after beating you black and blue.

"What do you mean he's here? He wasn't fucking invited!" Frankie yelled and stood up, standing right in front of Mason.

You wanted to get up as well, but you were frozen. Your teeth were trembling slightly and you could feel your fingers shaking.

"I know, I made sure he wasn't invited to the wedding!" Mason yelled back at him. "I don't know why he's here, I walked away when I saw him. I didn't want to punch him and I would have if I stayed."

"I know." Frankie sighed. "We need to make him leave, okay?"

"Yeah, I know." Mason said and Frankie slipped on a random pair of shoes. "Look, Frankie, Faye can't know about this."

"She won't know about this." Frankie lied, he knew you already knew about it. "She doesn't have to know, it'll be alright."

"Yeah, okay. Come on, let's get that son of a bitch out of here." Mason swore.

Mason and Frankie left the hotel room and slapped the door behind them. You were still underneath the bed, you physically couldn't move your body.

Hearing that your father was at the same hotel you were getting married at, it had made you freeze. Your entire body was frozen and the terrifying memories of his abuse were rushing through your mind.

You were so close to crying when you suddenly remembered the techniques you learnt in therapy. Take some deep breaths and count to 100 in sets of 3.

3, 6, 9.

You took a deep breath.

12, 15, 18, 21.

Another deep breath.

24, 27, 30, 33, 36.

You were taking multiple deep breaths and trying to focus on anything other than your father's abuse. You were thinking of your best friends and your brother, as well as your soon-to-be husband.

39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60.

Over half way there.

You were slowly getting closer to getting out from underneath the bed without having a huge panic attack. You could feel the panic attack coming, so you were trying your very hardest for that not to happen.

63, 66, 69, 72, 75, 78.

You had now shifted your body to the edge of underneath the bed, looking out of the open curtains of Frankie's room.

81, 84, 87, 90.

You slowly moved from underneath your brother's bed to out of it, looking at your surroundings and continuing to count in your head.

93, 96, 99.

"100." You whispered, your teeth slightly trembling still, and you sighed.

You leaned against the bed and bought your knees up to your chest, resting your elbows on them and holding your head in your two hands. You took another deep breath and squeezed your eyes shut, tears shooting out of them and down your cheeks.

You let a few more tears fall before starting to laugh. You chuckled and then started to laugh even more, tears still falling.

You were now laughing and crying at the same time, but not for long. The laughter quickly turned into even more sadness, you were now sobbing on the floor.

Your hands were shaking and your face was heating up, tears soaked all over your face.

Word Count : 1006

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