•Part sixteen

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"So, when are we leaving?" Kylie asked you.

"Maybe in an hour." You said to her. "I just wanted to come down here and hang out for a little bit before we had to leave."

"Oh, okay. Who's going?" She asked.

"I'm not actually sure. I know it's me, you, and the other girls, but I don't know if my brother or mother are tagging along." You admitted to her.

"I'm sure they would love that, I know they don't usually spend that much time with you." She said.

"Yeah, I know." You sighed. "They are always welcome to join us, they know that."

Kylie and you talked for a while until the Weasley twins came over and you joined you two, the four of you talking. After quite a while, you decided to get out of the pool so you could get ready for the day.

You went back up to your hotel room alone and walked into the room, hearing snoring the second you stepped inside. The snoring was faint, so you knew Mason would be waking up soon because it was quiet.

You smiled when you laid eyes on your fiancé, he was laying on his stomach with his head to the side and his arms spread out on the bed. You put your bag down on the armchair and walked over to the bed.

You sat down on the side of the bed next to Mason, looking at his messy hair and running your fingers through it. He groaned at the feelings and shifted his body, now laying on his back with his arms still laid across the bed.

You knew he was on the verge of waking up, if not already awake, and suddenly an idea popped into your head. You smirked and moved the covers off of his legs, he was only wearing his underwear.

His dick was hard and you could see that through the material of his underwear, and you knew what to do. You carefully climbed under the covers and straddled his knees.

Mason grunted when he felt you climb on top of him and his eyes twitched open. He looked down at you, his messy hair falling in front of his tired eyes.

You looked into his sleepy eyes and kept eye contact as you learnt forward, placing a kiss on his lips. You didn't let him kiss you back, it was just a small peck before you moved your lips down go his chin.

You proceeded to kiss the right side of his neck, and then the left side. You moved your mouth down, kissing his left and right nipple and making his breath hitch.

"Faye, baby..." Mason whispered with a raspy, sleepy voice.

"Shh." You shushed him and moved your lips even further down his body.

You placed a trail of kisses down his chest all the way to his v-line and the hem of his boxer shorts. You could feel his dick getting even harder by the second, it only made the smirk on your face grow even larger.

"Oh, Faye." Mason said quietly as he looked down at you, you two locking eyes instantly.

You smirked at him and didn't let either of you say another word before you pulled the duvet cover over your head and pulled his underwear down.


After an eventful time with Mason, you got dressed and ready to do some shopping with the girls. It was May, so you were wearing a pair of denim short shorts, a crop top, and a pair of sandals to match.

You had a bag on your shoulder with your phone, perfume, your purse, and some lip gloss inside of it. You had walked down to reception and was just scrolling on your phone whilst you waited for your friends to join you.

"Faye." Your younger brother said and stood in front of you.

"Morning, Frankie." You said, smiling at him. "Come here, sit down."

"Morning." Frankie smiled back at you and sat down in the chair next to you. "If it's okay with you, I'm gonna stay here today and keep mum company."

"Frankie, of course that's okay with me. You know you two can come with us if you want to." You made sure to tell him again.

"Yeah, I know that, so does mum. We want you to have some alone time with your friends before you get married, just your friends." He told you.

"None of us kind if you two tag along, I made sure to ask everyone." You told him.

"I know, I know." He repeated. "I think it'll be good to spend some time with mum, I haven't for a while because of the divorce."

"That sounds good." You nodded. "Well, if you want to come and meet us, we'll just be in the town. Do you know where that is?"

"Yeah, yeah, I do." He nodded his head. "I'll be fine, you have fun today, okay?"

"I will, thank you, Frank." You said and smiled at your younger brother. "The same goes for you and mum."

"Hey, little Lewis." Lee said from behind Frankie and he messed up his hair.

"Hi, Lee." Frankie waved at your friend.

"What are you doing here? It's bridesmaids and maid of honour only day, and of course the bride." You said to Lee.

"I'm just making sure Angie gets here okay, is that alright with you?" Lee asked you.

"Eh, I guess it's okay." You shrugged your shoulders and laughed. "Morning, Ange."

"Hey, babe." Angelina smiled at you and sat down on the chair the other side of you. "I am so excited, are you?"

"Of course I am!" You exclaimed.

"Faye, I'm gonna go now." Frankie spoke.

"Oh, okay." You said. "Tell mum I say hello, okay?"

"I will, don't worry." He said and put his arms around you, hugging you. "Have fun today, Faye."

"You too, Frank." You said and pulled away from the hug, looking at him.

"Come on, little Lewis, I'm leaving too." Lee said to him. "I'll walk with you. Have a good day, girls."

"Thank you, Lee." You said to him, smiling.

"I'll see you later, babe." Angelina said to her husband and he bent down to kiss her.

Lee and Frankie waved before walking off and out of reception. Angelina and you talked for a while until Cho, Alicia and Kylie turned up and joined you two.

The five of you said good morning before heading off into town.

Word Count : 1089

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