•Part eighteen

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Friday 16th May 2008, 7:30am

Today was finally the day, today was your long awaited wedding day. You could not believe it, you would be getting married to the love of your life, Mason Daniels, and would become Faye Daniels.

Faye Daniels.

Mason and Faye Daniels.

That has a good ring to it.

You woke up on your wedding day to your best friends, your bridesmaids and your maid of honour, throwing pillows at you and screaming with excitement. They were so excited for you to get married and so were you, obviously.

"Wake up, wake up!" Cho exclaimed.

"It's your wedding day!" Angelina shouted.

"You're getting married today!" Kylie yelled.

"Get up already, woman!" Alicia demanded.

You sleepily laughed at all of your friends words and then you opened your eyes. Your vision eased and you saw all four of your friends standing around your bed or kneeling on your bed, all staring at you.

You started smiling like crazy and then sat up in your bed, stretching your arms and then looking at your best friends. They each had massive smirks and smiled on their faces, each of them were very happy for you.

"Oh, my god." You said and held onto your face. "I'm getting married today!"

You let go of your face and jumped out of bed, the five of you started to celebrate and jump around in your pyjamas together. You were so happy, you probably couldn't get any happier, but you knew you would.

You would get a lot happier when you say those two words. The two words that are so short but mean the world to everybody.

I do.

"Quick, go shower now and do everything you need to do in the shower." Alicia told you. "We will get everything ready for you for when you get out, okay?"

"Do you promise?" You asked her.

"I promise. If I break that promise, I give you my full permission to slap me." She said, nodding her head very quickly.

"I will, don't worry." You joked and walked over to the bathroom door. "Please, make sure everything is ready for me."

"We will!" Angelina exclaimed.

"Just hurry up and get in the shower, girl, you've got a wedding to prepare for." Kylie said to you and hurried you into the bathroom.

She followed you into the bathroom and walked over to the shower, opening the door and reaching inside. She turned on the shower and made sure the temperature was okay before leaving you all alone.

You sighed and took it all in, looking in the huge mirror at yourself. You were wearing polka dot pyjamas, a matching shorts and vest set, and had some silk slippers on.

"I can do this." You said to the mirror. "Get your act together, Faye, you're getting married to Mason today. Sort it out."

You shook out any other thoughts that were lingering in your head and your only focus was getting ready for your wedding. You undressed and hopped in the shower, washing your hair and body, and shaving your entire body.

After you did what you had to do in the shower, you jumped out and grabbed your robe from the hanger on the wall. You dried your body and slipped the robe on, it was a silky material with white fabric and it had the word bride written on the back in black.

You dried your hair with the hair dryer and then put some face cream on, as well as body lotion, and then left the bathroom. All of your friends were either getting their own dresses ready or getting your stuff ready.

"You're done!" Alicia exclaimed and rushed over to you, laying her hands on each of your shoulders. "Get some underwear on, it doesn't matter what, you can change it later on, and sit down in that chair."

"Okay. Is everything ready for me?" You asked her and walked over to the chest of drawers, opening the top drawer.

You fished for some underwear whilst your maid of honour, Alicia Spinnet, talked to you about your wedding and what she had already done for you. She was being one of the best maid of honour's anyone could ever ask for.

She was making sure everything was ready for you and that everything was up to your standards. Alicia just wanted everything to go as planned on your special day, and you were so grateful for her help.

You sat down in the chair by the massive makeup vanity, Alicia quickly got in the shower and Kylie started to do your hair.

"Okay, so what are we thinking?" She asked as she spun you around in the chair to face the vanity mirror.

Kylie worked as a hairdresser and had for many years now, so she was easily the best at hair out of all your friends.

"Curls. I've always dreamed of having curls for my wedding day." You said.

"Curls, perfect! Curls are so easy to do, you only really need rollers." She simply said and opened one of the drawers.

She found some hair rollers and started to roll them into your hair, ready to make perfect curls in your brown hair. After a few minutes, the rolls were laid in your hair and you were ready to have your makeup done.

Angelina would be doing your makeup for you because she was definitely the best at doing makeup out of everyone. Angie had previously taken a few makeup classes and had even done wedding makeup for other people before, so she was doing it for you.

"You sent me a inspiration picture earlier, is that still what you want?" Angelina asked.

"If you can do that, then yes, please." You said to her with a smile.

"Perfect, I can do just that for you!" She said and grabbed your huge makeup bag.

You made sure to pack a bunch of makeup that you could possibly need, you even got some spares and other shades if you needed them at all. Angelina opened the makeup bag and got to work.

Word Count : 1024

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