•Part twenty five

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CW : handjob, sex

You two made it to the airport and drove around to the back car park. The car park was private and for jet and plane owners only, which was you. Fred parked his car in the corner of the car park and locked the doors so none of you could get out.

Nobody was around and it was just Fred and you. You looked at him and he looked like he was suffering so much. You had four orgasms in one night and was probably all done for the night, but Fred wasn't.

He had only came once and that was when the two of you had sex, it didn't last that long. He got very close to finishing when he was watching you come on a vibrator, but it never out him over the edge to come.

Your eyes drifted down and his dick was still so painfully hard, you knew it would be hurting him. He looked like he was ready to sort himself out, but you wanted him to feel even more pleasure by doing it for him.

You smirked and took your seatbelt off, leaning over and taking Fred's off for him as well. You also moved his seat back a bit and got out of your seat. You carefully climbed over and onto his lap, he helped by guiding your hips onto his lap.

"Do you feel that? Do you feel what you are doing to me, Faye?" Fred seductively asked you and you bit down on your lip.

"I do feel that." You smirked. "Would you like me to help you with that problem?"

"Oh, I really would." Fred smirked and he took a deep breath.

You smiled and looked into his eyes, not looking away as you undid the button and zip of his trousers. You didn't tug them down and he did that for you, so his boxers were the only thing you were sat in.

You could see his massively hard dick sat underneath you and it looked like he would come right there if you even moved your body slightly. You didn't move and you slowly ran your hands up his shirt.

You felt his warm, toned skin underneath his white shirt and he gulped.

"Faye..." Fred whispered, groaning ever so slightly. "You're killing me, Faye."

You stopped rubbing your fingers around his soft abs and moved them down even lower. Your fingertips danced around the hem of his boxer shorts until he grabbed your wrists, making your smirk grow.

"Faye, I am begging you." Fred said.

"What's the magic word?" You asked him.

He groaned and you slipped your hand into his boxers shorts, his breath hitching.

"Please. Please, baby, I'll do anything." He said and you grinned even more,

You wrapped your hand around his dick and felt his squirm underneath you. Your thumb reached down and circled around the tip of his cock, feeling the pre-cum cover the entire tip of his penis.

"Oh, oh my fucking god." He swore, moans leaving his mouth as you did this.

You had never heard Fred like this, begging for you, squirming, and moaning like this.

"Faye, oh gosh, I'm gonna come." He said, his head banging against the headrest.

"Fred, no." You said and he opened his eyes to look at you.

Your hand got even faster, moving up and down his dick and making it even harder for him to control himself. His hands gripped onto your hips, so hard it would leave bruises on them.

"What do you mean no? I can't-" he said and you stopped your hand. "Faye..."

"I don't want you to come in my hand, I want you to come somewhere else." You said and pulled your hand out of his boxers.

You saw the smirk on Fred's face grow and he put his hands underneath your huge white dress. He didn't care and he ripped your thong apart, breaking it into pieces.

Fred pulled his boxer shorts down and out cane his massively hard penis. You looked down and gulped, a smirk on his face still.

"Come inside of me, Freddie." You said.

He didn't have to wait another second, Fred took your waits and guided you onto his lap. You lowered yourself and moans filled the entire car as his cock slid inside of your dripping wet pussy.

The sensational feeling was so much to deal with but the two of you absolutely loved it, you couldn't stop. You were grinding your body against his, deepening the sex at a whole new feeling.

It wouldn't take long for Fred to come and it wouldn't take you too long either, and you knew he wanted to make you come. You started to bounce up and down on his cock and he couldn't stop moaning in your ears.

"Faye, this is it-" he cut himself off my moaning so loudly.

"Do it, Freddie, come in me." You moaned and slammed your hand against the foggy glass window, leaving a handprint.

He didn't waste another second and he released himself in you, filling you right up with his come. He took a few seconds to calm down and you slowed down, slowly stopping bouncing on him.

Fred didn't pull out but he shook his head as you stopped and went to get off of him, he didn't want you to.

"Did you come?" He asked you, kissing your collarbones.

"No." You admitted and threw your head back so he could kiss your neck deeper.

"I can do this again, do you think you can, darling?" Fred asked and you nodded.

"Fifth times a charm." You said.

Fred smirked and banged his lips into yours as you started to grind a lot faster on his lap. You two couldn't shut your mouthed and the two of you could not stop moaning.

The windows were completely fogged up and also covered in your handprints, which neither of you cared about.

You started to bounce up and down again, your hands on either side of his neck as your boobs bounced in his face.

"I know you're close." Fred whispered. "I am, too."

"I'm so close, Freddie." You whispered.

"Baby, come for me." He said.

He didn't have to tell you twice. The two of you came at the same time and stayed there for a minute, trying to redeem yourselves and calm down.

Five orgasms later, you were ready to go to your house in Italy.

Word Count : 1087

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