•Part twelve

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"Faye, baby!" Your mother said and threw her arms around you.

"Mum..." you whispered and hugged her back straight away, burying your head on her shoulder.

"Oh, darling, I missed you." Your mother whispered in your ear. "So bloody much."

"I can't believe you're here. I mean, I knew you were coming but I still can't believe you are actually here." You smiled.

"Of course I'm here, I would never miss this day! My first baby's wedding." She said and cupped your face, looking into your eyes. "I bought you something."

"Oh, mum, you didn't have to." You said and she started going through her bag.

"Something old." She said and gave you an object, a huge smile on her face.

You looked in your hand at what she gave you and your eyes widened. There was the most gorgeous necklace in your hand, you know exactly whose it was.

Your grandmother's necklace.

When your grandmother passed away, she left her most precious necklace to her only daughter, your mother. You knew she left her the necklace, but you had no idea your mother was giving you it for your wedding.

"Something old to keep, it's yours." She said and you looked up at her.

"No, mum, no. I can't take this." You said and tried to give her the necklace back.

"No! It's yours now, darling!" She said, her hands up in the air and her head shaking.

"I'm giving you this back after the wedding, I hope you know that." You told her.

"Oh, no you are not, child." She said and you jokingly rolled your eyes at her. "Now, be a good girl and get your mother a latte."

Your mother patted your shoulder and walked past you to a table. She sat down and put her bag on the chair next to her, patiently waiting for you to get her a drink.

You sighed and turned back to look at your younger brother and your best friend.

"Go sit with mum, Frankie." You told him.

"But I want a drink." Frankie said.

"Ill get it. What do you want?" You asked.

"Hot chocolate, please." He said. "Thanks."

"Go sit down." You told him.

Frankie walked past you and went to sit with your mum, sitting down with her and making conversation. You turned back to look at Cedric and you two started talking about random things.

You never had the best relationship with your mother and that was because of years of avoiding abuse by your father. She would ignore the abuse and hardly talk to you about anything, let alone what you would go through daily.

She was always working and you hardly saw her at home, you would have to turn up at the hospital for her to actually acknowledge you. Once she finally realised that your father's abuse was putting you in the hospital with dangerous injuries, she put a stop to everything.

She was at retirement age so she retired from being a surgeon, and she filed for divorce with your father. Filing for divorce made your father very angry but he didn't physically hurt your mother, he only yelled at her.

After their divorce was final, your mother made an effort to get to know you better and to spend more time with you. You appreciated the effort but you two could never have a close relationship, but you were trying to have an okay one.

"When's Cho's flight?" You asked Cedric.

"Ten minutes ago." Cedric said. "She'll be here before we know it."

"How is she getting here? A jet or a normal plane?" You asked him.

"Normal plane? Do you mean a public plane and not a private jet?" He asked you and you nodded your head, he laughed. "She's in a normal plane."

"Okay, I'll give you guys some money later today." You said.

"What? No." He said. "That's unnecessary, you don't have to pay us for coming to your wedding, Faye."

"I know I don't, that's not why I am paying you guys." You told him. "I had no idea about her mother and I didn't know she was flying out here using public transport, you should have told me and I would've gotten her my private jet to fly in."

"There's no need for that, Cho's perfectly capable of flying publicly." He said. "I won't let you pay us."

"Too bad, I'm transferring some money to your bank account later." You told him and he just rolled his eyes.

"Hey, there." Cedric said to the man behind the counter. "Can we get two lattes, one hot chocolate... and what do you want?"

"Iced latte, please." You said with a smile.

"Alright, is that all?" The man asked.

Cedric scanned the sweet treats before his eyes laid on some donuts.

"And four donuts." Cedric smiled.

"Coming right up." The man said and he started preparing your drinks.

"Did you hear about my dad?" You asked Cedric and his head turned as fast as it possibly could to face you.

"Your dad?" Cedric questioned you. "What about him? Did I hear that he's a cunt?"

"Language, I've got a good reputation around here and don't need you ruining it for me." You warned him.

"What? He is a cunt, the biggest cunt I have ever met." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Cedric!" You raised your voice and gave him a slap on the arm. "I agree, he is, but do not say that around here."

"Sorry, sorry. You've got your beautiful reputation to keep in mind of." He mocked.

"I do." You said with a smile. "Anyway, my dad turned up yesterday and I have to act like I'm fine because Mason doesn't know I know about him."

"What? How do you know he's here then, I'm confused now." He said, trying to understand what you just told him.

"I hid from him in Frankie's room last night when Mason told him that our dad was back, he doesn't know that I know about my dad trying to come to my wedding." You told Cedric and he understood a bit more.

Word Count : 1025

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