•Part eleven

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"That was amazing, baby." Mason said and kissed your lips. "I fucking love you."

"I love you, Mason Daniels." You said. "I can't wait to be Mrs Faye Daniels."

"That sounds great. I can't wait to call you my wife, Faye Daniels." Mason said to you.

"Oh, call me that's agin." You whispered and he smirked.

"Faye Daniels, my wife." He said and you licked your lips.

You smashed your lips against Mason's and he immediately kissed you back, his hands falling to your butt and picked you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist and cupped his face, deepening the kiss.

He kissed you back passionately and walked you over to the wall. Mason pinned you to the wall and moved his lips from your lips to your neck. He kissed a trail of kisses down your neck, sucking love bites on your collarbone.

You moaned as his lips sucked a purple spot on your neck, your hands in his hair and pulling in gently. Mason smirked and bought his lips back up to yours, kissing you very hungrily.

"I was thinking." You said. "We should say fuck the rule and have sex right now."

Mason and you would often do other sexual things like oral sex or certain kinds of foreplay, but you weren't ever going to have sex before you got married. It did annoy you at times because you would occasionally get very horny and have to do something yourself, but you understood it.

"What? Are you serious?" Mason asked and pulled away from your lips. "We can't do that."

"I mean, we can." You said and he slowly put you back down on the floor.

"Let's just go to sleep." He said. "Come on."

"Wait, are you mad at me?" You asked him and he stepped away from you. "Mason."

"I'm not mad, just tired." He said.

"Okay." You said and watched him as he walked over to the bed. "I'll be back in a minute, just gotta use the bathroom."

"Alright." Mason said and got into bed.

You stood there for a second, watching as he made himself comfortable and started to text on his phone. You scoffed and walked into the bathroom, shutting the door and locking it behind you.

You sat down on the edge of the bathtub and shut your eyes, taking a deep breath and thinking to yourself. You held your head in your hands and took a moment.

You calmed yourself down and stayed in there for a minute or two until you were calm. You got up and flushed the toilet to make it sounds like you had used it.

You washed your hands and your face, as well as brushing your teeth and putting some face cream on. You then left the bathroom and joined Mason in bed, going to sleep whilst you stayed up on his phone.


You woke up the next morning and Mason was gone, but he had written a note for you.

Gone out with the boys to get some last minute bits for the wedding. I love you X.

You sighed and put the note back down on the table where you found it. You didn't have any plans for the day and you didn't know Mason did. You weren't completely sure who he went out with but you knew it was going to be with Jason.

You decided to get ready for the day, so you had a shower and got changed. You put a bikini on and a pair of denim shorts with a crop top on over the bikini. You didn't bother doing your hair and you put it up in a messy bun, still wet from the shower.

You put some face cream on and walked out into your actual room, grabbing a bag and slipping a pair of sandals on. You made sure you had everything and left the hotel room.

You got in the lift and pressed the button for the ground floor, the doors closing and the lift taking you down. You didn't make it to the ground floor, the doors opened a few floors down and in walked Cedric.

"Oh, hey." You said to him and he looked up from his phone.

"I didn't even see you in here, hey!" Cedric exclaimed and gave you a hug. "I feel like I have hardly seen you, how are you?"

"Really good but also really nervous for the wedding." You admitted.

"Two more days, I bet you and Mason can't wait." Cedric said and you smiled.

"It's unreal, I can't wait!" You exclaimed.

"Do you have everything sorted for the wedding?" He asked you.

"Almost, I've gotta go out tomorrow and get a few more bits, but I think everything else is sorted." You told him. "How about you, you got everything ready?"

"Actually, no. I have no idea how, but I forgot my suit." He admitted.

"Shit, really? What are you gonna do?" You asked and laughed at him.

"It's alright, Cho's gonna bring it with her today." Cedric told you.

The lift doors opened and the two of you walked out of it, leaving the room block and heading over to the mini coffee shop.

"Oh, that's right, she's flying down today. I forgot." You said and walked into the coffee shop with Cedric. "Why is that?"

"Her mother was in the hospital and she got out yesterday, so she wanted to hang out and make sure she was okay." Cedric said and you got in line to get coffee.

"Oh no, I hope everything's okay with her, I had no idea." You said.

"She's alright now, it was just a scare." He said and you two faintly smiled.

"Oh, hey guys." Frankie said and turned around to look at you and Cedric.

"Faye, baby!" Your mother said and threw her arms around you.

"Mum..." you whispered and hugged her back straight away, burying your head on her shoulder.

"Oh, darling, I missed you." Your mother whispered in your ear.

Word Count : 1010

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