•Part fifteen

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"No, no, that's fine." Fred said. "I'll get out of your way, enjoy your food."

"Cheers, mate, you too." Mason said, giving Fred and small fist bump as he walked off.

You watched Fred walk away from your four and couldn't help but feel a bit bad for him. He sounded a bit sad when he said he owed Kylie another date, almost like he did not want to take her on another date.

You knew they had a huge argument because you heard the entire thing and got very drunk with Fred afterwards. You didn't know what happened when Fred went back to his room, but you wanted to know.

"Come on, babe, let's go order drinks." Your fiancé said, getting your attention back.

"Okay." You said and followed him to a table for four.

George and Lee had walked off to get some food first, so you and Mason would go back to the table and get drinks for the four of you. You two ordered three beers and a wine, the beers for the boys and the wine for you.

Mason and you talked whilst waiting for the drinks to arrive at the table, then you got up to get some food. George and Lee were already making their way back to the table when you and Mason were getting up to get some food for yourselves.

After collecting a good plate of food from the buffet, you two walked back to the table to join George and Lee again.

"So, where's Ange?" You asked Lee, taking a sip of your wine.

"She's not feeling the best, so she's staying in our room for tonight." Lee said. "I'm sure she'll be better by tomorrow, though."

"Good, I need her help picking out some stuff tomorrow." You said.

"Oh, yeah? Where are you headed?" George asked you.

"Just into the town. I need to get some last minute stuff for the wedding." You said to him. "Speaking of, where's Alicia?"

"I'm not sure, why?" He asked you.

"She's my maid of honour, I need her help as well." You shrugged your shoulders.

"How is that speaking of?" Lee asked. "We were talking about you and Angie getting some stuff."

"Because I need Alicia's help too, the same with Cho and Kylie." You said.

"I think Alicia might have spent the day with Jason, that's why we haven't seen her all day." Mason spoke up.

"Why do you think that?" You asked Mason.

"Because they are both other there and she's got a hickey on her neck." Mason said, pointing at the two by the entrance of the buffet restaurant.

"Oh, shit." Lee swore.

"How do you know that's from him, though?" George asked Mason.

"Well, it must be. Look at Jason's lips, he has lip stick all over them." Mason said.

"Oh my gosh." You said. "I didn't even know they were that close already!"

"He does get a bit crazy when he's drunk, I think we both know that." He said, George and Lee looking back and forth at each other with confusion.

"A few months ago, Jason got really drink and decided to buy a bag of lemons and find girls who were willing to take a lemon slice from his mouth." You rolled your eyes and laughed at the memory.

"He was crazy that day." Mason said, also laughing with you and making the other two men laugh with you and him.

"I only met Jason the other day, and I already know he's such a fun guy to party with." Lee laughed.

"He really is." Mason agreed.

"When I first met Jason, he tried to hit on me and then bought me drinks the entire night so I wouldn't tell Mason." You said.

"Wait, what?" Mason turned and asked you.

You didn't say a word, you just looked at Lee and George, trying your best not to laugh. You had kind of forgotten to tell your fiancé about that, but at least he now knew.

"We'll talk about that later." Mason said.


You had an amazing dinner with your fiancé and two of your closest friends, and then you four went to grab some drinks at the bar. You had the best time with them and it was so nice to properly catch up with Lee and George with no one else around.

Mason and you ended up getting quite drunk, and so did George and Lee, and you two had a huge hangover in the morning.

"Piña Colada?" Kylie asked as she sat down next to you at the pool bar.

"Nope, don't talk about drinking." You said and scrunched up your face.

"That bad, huh?" Kylie asked, chuckling.

"That bad." You sighed. "My head hurts so much, it's unreal."

"I have the perfect hangover cure, trust me on this one." She said and leans over to the bartender behind the bar.

Kylie whispered something in his ear and he gave her a strange look, but nodded and said he could make it for her. She also decided to order herself a cocktail.

You two talked for a moment when two drinks slid in front of the two of you. Kylie thanked the bartender and he walked over to the other side to serve the Weasley twins.

"Cheers." Kylie said, holding up her drink.

"Cheers." You said, also holding up your drink and hitting it against Kylie's glass.

You two drunk some of your drinks and she smiled because of how good her cocktail tasted, but you cringed and felt disgusted.

"Ew, what the hell is in this?!" You asked, putting the glass right down. "That tastes disgusting, Kylie!"

"It's my hangover cure, it does work, Faye, I promise you." She said to you. "Does your head still hurt? Are your ears still ringing?"

"Actually... no." You said.

"See. It does actually work." She told you.

"I don't want to drink the rest of that, it tastes like shit." You sighed.

"Okay, suit yourself." She said. "Don't come crying to me when your head really hurts."

"Fine, I'll drink it." You said and picked your glass back up.

Word Count : 1028

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