•Part twenty seven

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"I know! I know that!" Fred said with a raised voice. "I did that for you, I broke up with Kylie to be with you!"

"Who's to say you won't do that to me? You did that to Kylie..." you quietly said to him.

"Faye, it's not like that. I won't do that to you because I love you." He said.

"You probably said that to Kylie as well as me." You said.

"You're right, I did say something like that to Kylie but guess what." Fred said. "Kylie isn't you. I was never in love with Kylie like I am with you. Kylie has nothing on you, I don't want to marry Kylie."

"So you aren't lying? You do want to spend the rest of your life with me?" You asked him and he chuckled. "You want to marry me, Fred?"

"Of course I want to marry you, Faye, that's what I've been saying." Fred laughed. "Do you want to marry me, too?"

"I want nothing more than to marry you and grow old with you, Fred Weasley." You said, also laughing with him.

"Let's do it then. When we land, let's go straight to city hall and get married." Fred suggested.

"Really?" You asked and he nodded. "Wait, seriously?"

"I am being so serious right now." He said.

"Oh my gosh." You said. "We're getting married today."

"We're getting married today." He smiled.

Fred leaned over to you and cupped your face with one hand, the other holding your hand. He pressed his lips against yours and the two of you smiled brightly into the kiss, you couldn't stop smiling.

Just the thought of Fred with grey hair and children that look like a mix of him and you was enough to make you smile so much. It was all so much to take it and think about, but you wouldn't trade it for the world.


"Fred Weasley, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?" A priest asked Fred underneath a flower arch.

"I do." Fred Weasley smiled at you.

"Faye Lewis, do you fake this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest asked you.

"I super do." You smiled right back at him.

"And now, with the power invested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife." The priest said, a smile on his face as he turned to Fred. "You may kiss the bride."

With those five words, Fred's eyes lit up even more than before and he took one step forward to you. He cupped your face gently and banged his lips against yours.

The two of you could not stop smiling and you were so overjoyed.

You were in shock, you could not believe you were now officially married to none other than Fred Weasley. The same Fred Weasley you had been best friends with since you were eleven years old, the same man you dated for a few months, the same man that you had always been in love with.

Not even twenty four hours ago, you were getting ready for your wedding. Not this wedding, the wedding to Mason.

"You're my wife." Fred said and you noticed the tears falling from his eyes.

"Oh, Fred." You laughed with a huge smile on your face, wiping his tears.

You held onto his hands tightly and turned your body around to face the exit of the church you two were in. Fred and you could not stop smiling as you gripped onto each other's hands and ran.

You made a run to the doors together and when you reached them, you two pushed them right open. The cold breeze of rain hit your faces and goosebumps formed on your arms and your legs.

"It's raining. A lot." You said.

"You're right. It is." Fred said.

He turned his head and looked at you and you smiled at him. Both of you had the same look in your eye and you both nodded your heads.

Fred's grip on your hand grew even tighter and your heads turned once again.

"It's just water." You two said in unison.

Hand in hand, Fred and you ran outside of the church and the rain water immediately hit your bodies at the same time. It was so cold but it also also so refreshing.

The rain soaked your white dress and Fred's clothes, both yours and his clothes sticking to your bodies. The water didn't stop either of you from running out of the church and straight into the middle of an empty road.

No cars were around but there was a few people walking around with umbrellas, just not you and Fred.

You didn't care about the rain water ruining your dress, you would never be wearing it again so it didn't matter.

"We're married." Fred cried.

"Oh my god, we are married!" You shouted.

You spun around in circles, your wet hair flying around everywhere as Fred laughed at how you were acting. He grabbed your waist and stopped you from spinning, and pulled your body against his.

Fred looked into your eyes for a couple of seconds before smashing his lips against yours. You smiled immediately into the kiss as rain splashed on your melting faces.

You pulled away from the kiss and looked up at him before stepping back and starting to dance. You didn't know why, but you were just in the mood to dance.

Fred did not question this and he stated to dance with you straight away. His hand grabbing ahold of yours and spinning you around whilst you two burst out in laughter.

"I love you so much, Fred Weasley, I really hope you know that." You grinned at him.

"I don't think you would've married me if you didn't love me, Faye." Fred smiled.

Fred grabbed your waist and he picked you up, your legs wrapping around his hips and your arms around his head. You laughed as she picked you up and the two of you spun around, laughing and having the best time together.

Word Count : 1015

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