•Part twenty four

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CW : self-pleasure

After a very eventful and quick time with Fred in the back seats of his car, you two got back in the front two seats and he drove off again. He headed for the airport and it was a struggle because you had to try to keep your hands off of each other.

You couldn't stop thinking about all the times you and Mason would get intimate and you were left feeling incredibly horny that it hurt. You knew Fred wouldn't have done that if you continued to date.

Fred is a man of his word and if he said he would make you come, he would.

You could not stop thinking about every single time you ever had with Fred, and you were loving it. You were so glad you would get to relive it, but only the one time already wasn't enough.

Fred was focused on the road and you most certainly were not. Your eyes were shut and you were thinking about the times you had with Fred where you would go for hours.

Thinking about all of the sexual memories you had together, you realised the inside of your legs were getting wet.

"You okay?" Fred asked you, he noticed you had your eyes shut for a while.

"Mhm." You mumbled.

"Are you sure?" He asked again.

You bit your lip and debated it, but you laid your hand on top of Fred's. His hand was sat on the gear shift and he looked at you when you out your hand on top of his.

Neither of you said a word, but you took his hand from the gear shift and towards your body. He put his hand on your legs and looked right at you.

You looked down and he realised what you wanted to show him. He started to trail his hand up your legs and past your wedding dress, all the way up to your upper thighs.

He didn't even have to touch you, but you grew even wetter and he could feel that without touching you.

"Oh." He raised an eyebrow. "So you aren't okay..."

"Not really..." you whispered and he removed his hand from your upper thighs.

Fred pulled his hand out from underneath your white dress, laying it back down on the gear shift and changing gear.

"I can pull over if you want me to." Fred suggested. "Or, you might not need me."

"Are you saying what I think you're saying, Fred Weasley?" You asked him, already knowing the answer to that question.

"I think you know I am." He smirked. "Look in the glovebox."

You raised and eyebrow and sat up straight, reaching over to the glovebox. You opened it and looked at what was inside.

"Is that-" you asked and he cut you off.

"From when we were together." He said. "It is yours. You left it at my place."

You looked at the white box that was sat in the glovebox and you got it out. You looked down at the box in your lap and smirked, opening it up. You took the object out of the box and examined it.

"Oh, I remember how much fun we had with these." You smirked.

"Go on then, put them on." Fred told you.

You looked at the lacy white thong in your hands and you smiled. You leaned up and awkwardly pulled your underwear down, putting the white thong on instead.

You sat back down and sighed, feeling a small and cold thing against your clit.

This pair of underwear wasn't just any old pair, it was special. There was a vibrator sown into the middle of it and it sat right by your clit when wearing them.

"Pass me the remote." He said quietly.

You took the remote out of the box and gave it to Fred, a smirk on his lips. The remote had three settings, low, medium, and high.

Fred switched the remote onto the lowest setting and you felt vibrates rubbing against your clit. You gulped and shut your eyes to take a few seconds to get used to the feeling.

"How does that feel?" Fred whispered.

"Mhm. Good." You quietly said, your eyes still shut.

You heard Fred click another button and a rush of vibrates ran through your entire body. You moaned and grabbed a handful of your dress, squeezing it tightly to try and contain yourself.

"How about that?" He asked you, leaning over and kissing your earlobe.

"So good." You whispered and moaned.

You were struggling to contain as the vibrator was dancing on your clit, making you dangerously close to climaxing already.

"Do you think you can handle the highest setting?" Fred asked you. "I don't think you can, I might have to turn it off."

"Don't you dare turn it off." You moaned loudly, so loud you could hear yourself over the radio.

You opened your eyes and looked over at him, he was so hard and his eyes were basically glued to you. He was smirking and he turned the control up on the remote, to the highest setting.

"Oh, fuck." You swore, moaning so loud.

You couldn't control the sounds leaving your mouth as vibrates shot against your sensitive clit. You reached over and gripped onto Fred's shirt, scrunching part of it up in a ball. You reached with your other hand to the door handle, holding on for dear life.

"Go on, love, come for me." Fred said and leaned over, kissing your lips passionately.

With those few words, you felt a huge rush flood your entire body and you reached the height of your climax, coming against the vibrator in your thong. You slowly let go of the grip you had on Fred's shirt and you noticed it was now slightly wrinkled.

The vibrator was still on and at its highest setting, so you didn't get much of a chance to come down from that high. Vibrations circling around your dripping wet pussy, you couldn't control yourself.

You hardly gave yourself a warning, but you ended up reaching that same climax another three times because Fred kept on swapping the medium and high controls on the remote, making you feel so much sensation all over again.

Word Count : 1049

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