•Part two

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"Hey, guys, how are your rooms?" You questioned your friends as they joined you.

You were sat in the pool with your younger brother, Frankie Lewis, and you two were sat by the bar with drinks. You had a gin and tonic, and Frankie had a coke because he was only sixteen.

"They are amazing! The beds are so comfy and the shower is to die for!" Angelina exclaimed and sat next to you at the bar.

"They are, aren't they?" You said with a smile. "Did you find the complimentary snacks?"

"Complimentary snacks?!" Lee asked with excitement. "Where are those?"

"Did you not see the mini bar in your room, it's right next to the huge wardrobe?" You asked him, laughing at his excitement.

"Oh my god, we have a mini bar? Ange, we have a mini bar in our room!" Lee turned and said to his wife, Angelina.

"I know, I tried to tell you but you wanted to try out the shower!" She laughed at him.

Angelina and Lee got together after the war happened for the second time. They came so close to dying and realised after the war was over, that they were deeply in love with each other. The two started to date and it progressed from there, they got married a few years ago.

"So, where's the lucky man?" Alicia asked and floated in the pool, looking at you guys.

"He's making sure his parents get settled in okay." You told her. "He'll be down here any minute now, don't worry."

"Good, I still need to have a word with him about letting you pay for that rock on your finger." She rolled her eyes.

"Kylie, it's okay. I offered to pay for the ring and I don't mind, it was nothing." You told her again and she still wasn't convinced. "I promise it's fine, Ky."

"It's not fine. I don't care what you say, I'm still gonna have a word with him." She said, shrugging her shoulders and looking up.

"You're such hard work." You sighed.

You talked with your friends for a while before you noticed one of them had been quite quiet since he arrived. He hadn't said much to you, and you didn't know why.

You had an idea of why he wasn't speaking much, but you weren't sure about it.

"Kylie, can I steal your man for a quick minute?" You asked and swam over to Fred and Kylie.

"As long as you bring him back in one piece, of course you can." Kylie smiled at you.

"I will, don't worry." You said and Fred sat up straight in the pool.

"I'll be back in a minute, babe." Fred said, placing a small kiss on Kylie's lips and she smiled as he pulled away from her.

Fred walked over to you and you two started to walk to another section of the pool, in the shallow end. There was some steps to leave the pool, but you swam over and sat on them instead of getting out.

Fred swam over and sat down next to you, sat facing you and looking down at your eyes. He looked awkward and you had an idea why, you just weren't sure if that was the exact reason why he was acting weird.

"I think I know what this is about." Fred said with a small sigh. "Last year?"

"Kind of." You shrugged. "Things are just really awkward between us, and I'm getting married..."

"Yeah, congratulations, by the way." Fred said to you and you smiled.

"Thank you." You said. "As I was saying, I'm getting married now and I figured it's an emotional time, it could bring back a lot of memories between us. I just don't want it to be too awkward between us."

"It's fine, don't worry." He said. "I've got a girlfriend, Faye, and last year was just a little mistake between two horny friends."

"It wasn't just that though, was it?" You asked and he didn't say a word. "It wasn't."

"No, I guess it wasn't." He sighed.

Fred started dating Kylie two years ago and you had been dating Mason for three years now, but things weren't perfect.

Fred and Kylie would often get into arguments and it got so bad that they went on a break. As for Mason and you, you two broke up for a month or two last year, but you found your way back to each other.

You had known Fred for years, ever since you were eleven years old, and it was no surprise that he went to a pub for a drink after their break was confirmed. You joined him unknowingly and a few things led to another, you two had sex.

At first, it was just meaningless sex, until it turned into a lot more. You and Fred were both single, so you slowly grew into a relationship with him. You couldn't get enough of each other and were inseparable.

After a while of just having sex and keeping your relationship a secret from the rest of your friends, you and Fred decided to call it quits. It all worked out and was for the best, you got back together with Mason and Fred started to date Kylie again.

Neither Mason nor Kylie knew about yours and Fred's relationship that lasted for two months, you two had decided it would be best not to tell them. They never found out, and probably never will find out.

"I just don't want things to be awkward with us, especially on my actually wedding day." You said to him.

"Yeah, me neither." Fred agreed. "I'm fine if you are. Are you?"

"I am, there's nothing to worry about." You said to him. "We good?"

"We're good." He nodded his head.

"Perfect, I'll let you get back to your girlfriend." You said and looked over to her.

"And I'll let you get back to your soon-to-be husband." Fred said and you got confused.

"What?" You asked.

"That's him, isn't it?" He asked, pointing to a man behind you.

You turned around and saw your fiancé about to get in the pool, his best friend next to him. You smiled and said goodbye to Fred before standing up and walking up the steps to the pool.

Word Count : 1058

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