•Part twenty two

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Third person perspective

It was now time for the bride, Faye Lewis, to walk down the aisle. She turned around the corner, her arm wrapped around her younger brother, Frankie's, arm. The two siblings had huge smiles on their faces and
Faye looked like she was about to cry.

Everybody stood up from their chairs and were admiring Faye as she walked next to her younger and only brother. All eyes were on Faye, watching her slowly walk.

She looked down at aisle at her soon-to-be husband, Mason. Tears were filling his eyes and he was trying his best not to let them fall, but he failed. He has now started to lightly cry as he watched his bride walk down the aisle to him.

Water falling from his eyes, Mason was still smiling so hard and he was looking right into Faye's eyes. He wiped the tears on his face away and Faye finally reached the end of the white carpet.

She didn't step up the patio straight away, she turned and faces her brother before stepping up.

"Thank you, baby brother." Faye whispered.

"Go get your man, big sister." Frankie said and kissed the back of her hand.

Frankie carefully dropped her hand and walked over to the first row to join his mother, sitting down next to her. Faye took a step up into the patio and got into position, standing a few feet away from the groom.

Alicia reached over to Faye and took her bouquet of flowers from her, standing behind her and holding onto them. The bridesmaids and groomsmen took their seats in the second row, sat next to their dates.

Fred was sat with Kylie, Lee and Angelina were sat together, Cho and Cedric next to each other, and the groomsmen were sat with each of their dates. Alicia and Jason were each others dates, but they were both also important roles in the wedding so they were stood behind the bride and groom.

Alicia had the wedding ring that Faye would be giving Mason, and Jason had the ring Mason would be giving Faye.

"Please, be seated." The priest spoke.

Everybody sat back down in their chairs and glued their eyes to the bride, groom and even the priest.

"Family and friends of Mason and Faye, you are gathered here today to celebrate their love to each other." The priest said, reading out of a book on the stand. "Will you all promise to love and support their marriage in all the days to come? If so, please respond we will."

Those two words, we will, left everybody's mouths and Faye and Mason turned back to look at each, smiles on their lips.

"Now... I have known Mason for most of his life and Faye, I have been delighted to know you for as long as Mason has. It brings me great pleasure to be able to do this for you today." The priest smiled at the couple.

Fred Weasley POV

Faye looked breathtaking.

I saw her earlier today and I had to come up with words that didn't begin to describe how stunning she looked. The hair, the makeup, the dress... she just looked perfect.

When I went and saw Faye earlier in her bridal suite, I wasn't actually there for her, I was there for Kylie. It was a very long time coming and was quite expected, but me and her broke up on the balcony earlier today.

She was understanding because she knew exactly where I was coming from and why I was breaking up with her. Kylie didn't ask much of me, she only asked that I wouldn't tell anyone and would be her date to the wedding.

I agreed to keep quiet about our break up and be her date to the wedding. We needed to act like a couple for nobody to suspect anything and take the focus off of Faye on her very special day.

"It brings me great pleasure to be able to do this for you today." The priest smiled at the couple.

It killed me to see Faye getting married to Mason. It killed me to see her getting married to anyone other than me.

That should be me.

I had the ring.

When me and Faye were dating, I was so in love with her and knew she was definitely the one for me. The day we broke up, I went out and bought an engagement ring. I was going to propose to her but she sat me down and broke up with me.

It killed me.

It still pains my heart to see her with any other man, and it shouldn't.

Faye is getting married and I had a girlfriend who I loved, I knew I shouldn't be feeling this jealous but I was. I couldn't hold it in any longer, I needed her to know how I feel about her.

"I'm sorry." I whispered to Kylie.

"Fred." She whispered back. "Do not do-"

Third person perspective

"It brings me great pleasure to be able to do this for you today." The priest smiled at the couple. "Faye and Mason, I have known the two of you for quite some time and I just know you will have eternal love for-"

"I love you, Faye." A voice said.

Everybody's heads turned as quickly as they possibly could, including both Mason and Faye. Their eyes settled on who has stood up and interrupted their wedding ceremony and Faye's jaw dropped.

"I love you and I know this is definitely not the place to do this, but I can't hide it for much longer." Fred Weasley admitted.

Everyone looked at him in complete shock, horrified looks on their faces. Nobody in the entire room could believe what was happening, not even staff members.

"I always have loved you, I never once stopped loving you." Fred Weasley said and walked into the middle of the room. "I love everything about you. I-I love how your face lights up when you see a stray dog, I love that you always have to pet the dog, I love how much you love your friends and your family, I love the way you love mushrooms and will order a huge bowl of them at a restaurant. Even the things I don't like, I love."

Word Count : 1064

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