•Part twenty

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Friday 16th May 2008, 11:30am

Kylie started to talk to him and didn't give Fred the chance to say a word, she just told him what would happen. You had no idea what they were talking about, but it kind of looked like it was an agreement.

After a few more moments of the couple talking on the balcony, Kylie walked away from him and stepped back inside. Fred followed behind her and shut the sliding balcony doors.

"I will leave you ladies to it." Fred said. "All of you look beautiful, really."

"Aw, thank you, Fred." Alicia said to him.

"Thanks, Freddie." You smiled at him.

"Oh, Fred, can you send Lee up here for me please? I have to get his opinion on my dress." Angelina asked him.

"Of course I can, Ange." He smiled at her. "I will see all of you at the wedding."

"Make sure you're ready." Alicia told him.

"I will, don't worry." He laughed, walking over to the front door and leaving.

Fred left the bridal suite and he went to send Lee up to see Angelina. Whilst she was waiting, you all talked for what felt like ages and the girls did their hair and makeup.

You asked Kylie what Fred was here for and why she was acting kind of strange and a bit distant, but she didn't say anything. Any time you asked her about it, she would change the conversation and you knew not to pry because she didn't want to answer.

There was now fifteen minutes until your wedding started and guests would be arriving in the beach right about now. You still had to get dressed and take your rollers out of your hair, which would take long.

You had your grandmother's necklace on, as well as some new and blue earrings that dangle, and a matching bracelet on each of your wrists. You had a veil which you would put on once your hair was done and you were in your wedding dress.

All of the girls were in their dresses, they were all similar but different in their own ways. All four dresses were the exact same shade of pink but were different styles.

Cho was wearing a silky long sleeved dress that went down to her knee with some matching high heels and bag. Angelina was wearing a pink dress that went all the way down to her ankle but had a slit going up to her knee on the right side.

Kylie had on a strapless dress which had a bit of sparkle on the top half and also went down to her ankle. Lastly, Alicia had on a gorgeous dress that was backless and silky, it went right down to her knee as well.

The girls all looked so stunning, their hair and makeup was done to match their dresses, they each looked so beautiful. None of them had seen your dress yet but they were so excited to see it, you wanted it to be a complete surprise though.

You were about to get changed into your dress when there was yet another knock at the door. Alicia went to get it but before she left, she pushed you into the bathroom to get changed into your wedding dress.

You tried to listen to who it was, but you couldn't hear a thing. Instead of trying to listen, you just decided to get changed into your dress because you couldn't hear. You got changed and was just admiring how beautiful your dress looked on your body.

There was a long mirror in the bathroom, so you were staring into that with complete away at your dress. It was your dream dress, and you couldn't love it more.

The dress was quite similar to your mothers wedding dress that she wore when she got married to your father. It was a plain white ball gown styled dress, it went all the way down to your ankles and followed behind you when you walked.

It was strapless and had a flower mesh net around the dress, the veil also matched the mesh material and had flowers in it. Your mother had almost the same exact dress when she got married, but it was shorter and had longer sleeves than yours.

"Girls, can I come out?" You shouted, still inside of the bathroom.

"Yeah, come on out, Faye!" Cho yelled back.

You opened the bathroom door and stepped outside, your dress dragging along the floor behind you. You shut the door and stood in front of your best friends and a few family members that has arrived.

Your mother and your brother.

Everybody was looking at how breathtaking you looked, they all look astonished. Your mother looked like she was about to cry and you brother looked so proud of you, your friends were all in absolute awe.

"Oh my god, Faye..." Cho slowly said.

"Faye, this is just- wow." Angelina spoke.

"That dress looks so nice!" Kylie exclaimed.

"I could just cry." Alicia said and teared up.

"Oh, my baby." Your mother cried and held her hand over her open mouth. "I can't- I can't believe it... your dress..."

"Do you like it, mum?" You asked her and stepped over to her. "I had some inspiration from somebody very special to me."

"Faye, darling, you have no idea what this means to me." She said, her voice breaking.

"Mum, please don't cry. If you cry, I'll cry, too!" You laughed and held onto her hands.

"Oh, I'm trying my best not to." She said, also laughing and waving the tears away. "I can't, give me a minute."

She stepped away from you and into the corner, facing the opposite direction and calming herself down. You turned and looked at your best friend, your brother.

"Faye..."Frankie whispered and stepped over to you, grabbing your hands. "Faye, you look so gorgeous."

"Stop it, Frankie." You said, smiling hard.

"Are you ready to get married?" He asked you and looked right into your eyes.

"More than ready." You looked back at him.

Word Count : 1021

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