•Part thirty two

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Fred and you spent some time on the beach together, messing around and throwing sand and flicking water at each other. You two had such a fun time before actually going to town like you had arranged to.

You two walked around in town for ages before growing hungry and going to eat at a small cafe in the middle of town. After you two were fed and had full stomachs, you left the cafe and continued to shop.

"Oh my gosh, that is so cute." You said with amazement as you picked the item up.

"Faye, no." Fred shook his head. "Yeah, it's cute but we don't have a baby."

You looked at the baby onesie in your hands and it was so tiny. It had a super cute hood and the hood was also terribly tiny.

"Maybe we could." You said without even thinking and he stood there in shock. "Oh my god. Did I just say that?"

"You want a baby? With me?" He asked.

"Well, yeah, I guess so..." you said. "Would that be such a bad thing?"

He took a second to think about his answer before he actually gave it to you.

"No, I don't think it would be such a bad thing." Fred said. "I mean, we are married and I want to have a family."

You stepped over to Fred and he took one step closer to you, smiles on your faces.

"I would love to have a baby Faye running around the garden in summer." He smiled.

"Aw, and a mini Fred to make hot chocolate for in the winter!" You exclaimed happily.

"Oh, Faye, that sounds amazing." Fred said as he thought about things he would do with his kids whenever they are born.

"I really want this, Fred. I want to have a baby with you." You smiled. "Not right now, whenever the time is right."

"We aren't getting any younger." He said to you and you thought about what he said.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying to me, Fred Weasley?" You asked him.

"It depends. What do you think I am saying to you, Faye Weasley?" He asked you.

"Are you saying you want to have a baby with me now?" You questioned the man.

"Yeah, I guess I am saying that." He said with a huge smile spread out on his lips.

Fred and you spent the rest of your time in town together discussing babies. You would go into baby shop and look around at all of the things you would buy your children with Fred.

Everything was so tiny and so adorable, it made you want a baby so badly. What Fred said wasn't wrong, neither of you are getting any younger, and now would be a perfect time to have a baby together.

Yes, you had only gotten married almost two weeks ago and you may be rushing into things majorly, but you both want this. You would not have ran away from Mason at the alter of you didn't want to spend the rest of your life with Fred, and that meant kids too.

If you were going to spend your last breaths with the love of your life, you knew you had to have kids as well. You didn't mind how many kids you had, you just wanted one.

"Do you want a big family?" You asked him as you traced lines along his shins.

"Kind of. I don't want a really small family, but I don't want a massive one." Fred said.

"You don't want a second Weasley family with a million kids?" You questioned and he chuckled to himself.

"No, I don't." He laughed. "Maybe four kids, I would even be up to having five."

"Oh, really? I was thinking the exact same thing, five or four kids." You smiled.

"Great minds think alike." He winked.

"I guess they do." You smiled.


"No, George, just piss off already!" Fred yelled from the bedroom.

"What's going on?" You shouted from the kitchen. "Fred?"

"It's just George." Fred sighed as he walked out of the bedroom. "He thinks I should come back to England."

"Why?" You asked him.

Fred leant against the kitchen side and watched as you cut up potatoes for dinner.

"You want the truth?" Your husband asked.

"I don't know now." You sighed. "Yeah, I do want the truth, Fred."

"George thinks I should leave you and come back home." Fred also sighed. "He doesn't think I should've done that at your wedding and that I was just drunk, which I wasn't."

"Oh." You said.

"I told him no." He said.

"Maybe it won't be such a bad thing." You said and he got confused. "You know... if we go home to England."

"Why do you think that?" He asked, and stood up straight.

"If we're gonna become a family, we need to have a house and we can't leave in Italy for the rest of our lives." You told him. "We've got work and our friends and family."

"I don't think their too happy with us, at the moment, do you?" Fred questioned you.

"Well, no, but they will be, you told me that earlier." You reminded him. "And I want my kids to grow up around my brother and his kids if he has any."

"Same. I want my children to know and grow up with their cousins." Fred said.

"Exactly." You said. "So why not go home?"

"Because I love it here. I love being here with you and not having a care in the world, we don't need to do anything we don't want to do to please anymore." Fred said to you.

"We can still have that if we go back home, Freddie, I promise." You said to him.

"I know that, it'll just be different." He sighed and you stopped cutting up the food.

"That doesn't matter. We will have each other and maybe even a baby." You said and walked over to him.

You stood in between his legs and moved his hands down to sit on your waist.

"That's all we'll need." You said, smiling.

Word Count : 1039

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