•Part eight

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You had managed to collect yourself and you were now sat at the table on Frankie's balcony. His room was on the third floor, two more rooms above his, and he had a nice view of the pool and the sunset.

You were watching the sunset make pretty colours float around the entire sky, clouds making beautiful patterns everywhere. You had an earphone in and you were listening to calm songs on quite a low volume, birds chirping in your other ear.

You were making sure to acknowledge your surroundings, making them calm down you down and stay calm. You were practically completely calmed down now, but the fear of your father potentially still being here was still lingering around your mind.

That thought quickly vanished when you heard a nearby door slide open and two loud voices were shouting at each other.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" A woman's voice yelled from above you.

You knew that voice straight away, it was one of your best friend's voices.

Kylie Howard.

"What what I supposed to do, huh? What did you want me to do, Kylie?!" Another voice yelled, a man's voice.

That was Fred Weasley.

You had no clue what they were arguing about and you didn't want to eavesdrop, but you just couldn't help yourself. In your defence, their argument was distracting you from the fear in your head.

"Anything else than that!" She shouted at him. "Fuck sake, Fred!"

"You would have done the same thing, Ky, and we both know it." Fred sighed.

"No, I wouldn't have! I would not have gone out and fucked your best friend after we broke up!" Kylie screamed.

She screamed so loud that you were convinced anyone could hear. You heard.

You froze and your eyes widened, you had no clue how she found out about you and Fred because you had both sworn to never tell anyone about the relationship.

"Did you really not listen to anything I just said in there!?" Fred yelled at her. "Fuck, Kylie, and you say I don't listen!"

"Oh, I listened. I fucking listened!" She shouted right back at him. "I-"

"Why are you acting like you're so fucking innocent?" Fred asked, cutting her off. "You are pretending like you didn't sleep with my co-worker before we broke up!"

Kylie didn't say anything for a second.

"Yeah, I know about that." Fred said.

"That never happened." Kylie said.

"That never happened? That never fucking happened?" Fred raised his voice. "You have got to kidding me!"

"Stop." She whispered, it sounded like she was crying. "Stop..."

"You're saying I'm the bad one because I had sex with one of your friends, you didn't even like her then!" Fred shouted. "You fucked my co-worker, and I'm the bad guy?"

"Fred, stop..." she said quietly.

"Where are you going?" Fred asked her and you heard the balcony door slide open again. "Where the fuck are you going, Kylie, we aren't done here!?"

You heard the balcony door slide shut again and then you heard Fred groan. He was swearing under his breath and you heard something flip, something big, like a table.

Deep down you knew you shouldn't have listened to their argument, but how could you not? You were going to walk away but then you heard what Kylie said to Fred.

You had no idea she knew about yours and Fred's previous relationship, but he must have told her. You also didn't know that she cheated on Fred, you never would have thought Kylie would do that to anyone.

You stood up from the chair you were sat in to walk back into Frankie's room, acting like you hadn't heard Fred and Kylie's conversation, when the chair made a loud squeaking noise. Your entire body froze and you were looking up at the ceiling, the floor of Fred's balcony.

"Who's there?" Fred asked from above you.

You didn't say a word.

"Who's there?" Fred asked again and walked over to the edge of the balcony.

He leant against the handrail and looked down, trying to see who was sat on the balcony underneath his. He didn't see your face or any part of your body, but he did see your hair.

"I know that brown hair from a mile away, Faye, do you hear all of that?" Fred asked and you sighed. "Faye, I know it's you."

"I know you know." You sighed and walked to the edge of the balcony.

You leant against the handrail and looked up, seeing Fred leaning over and looking down at you. He looked really angry but also a little bit sad, you understood why.

"I heard it all." You admitted and he took in a deep breath. "Sorry, Fred. I had no idea she knew, or that she did that to you."

"Me neither, I found out today." Fred said to you. "I thought you guys had the top floor sweet, who's room are you in?"

"Frankie's room." You said. "We were just hanging out earlier."

"Oh, okay. Where is he?" Fred asked.

"Sorting something out with Mason, it's nothing really." You told him, shrugging.

"When will he be back?" He asked you.

"I dunno, could be ten minutes, could be two hours." You shrugged your shoulders.

"You wanna grab a drink? Or you could come up here, raid the mini bar and get drunk with me?" Fred suggested.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? Do you not remember what happened the last time we grabbed a drink together?" You asked.

"Of course I remember, how could I forget, Faye?" He asked you and you didn't say a word, so he coughed to move on with the conversation. "Anyway, it's not like anything would happen. You're getting married in two days and I've got a girlfriend."

"Do you?" You asked him and he scoffed.

"You could just say no." He said.

"No, it's alright. I could use a drink." You said and his lips turned up slightly. "Meet me down at the bar?"

"Give me five minutes." He said.

Word Count : 1018

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