•Part twenty nine

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Five more days flew by and you had now been in Italy with Fred for a week, and things could not be any better. You and him couldn't keep your hands off of each other and you couldn't possible love it any more.

Whenever you left the house together, you would end up cutting the day short and going back to the house to have sex, and you definitely weren't complaining. Even if you left the house separately, the one left at home would tease the other by messaging them something sexy and they came home.

All week, people had been trying to contact both you and Fred but the two of you were ignoring everyone. Every single day, both of you were getting multiple text messages and phone calls from family and friends.

You were sick of your phone constantly buzzing, so you felt you had no choice but to actually answer a simple phone call.

"Hello?" You asked the person on the other end of the phone held by your ear.

"Faye... you answered." Your younger brother's voice slowly said in a bit of shock.

"Frankie!" You exclaimed. "I'm so sorry for not answering the phone earlier."

"I can't believe you." Frankie said.

"What? What do you mean?" You asked.

"You left your fiancé at the alter and you didn't pick up your phone once!" He yelled at you from the phone. "You didn't even tell me, your brother, what was going on!"

"Frankie... I'm sorry, okay? I've had a lot on my plate and I haven't had the chance to talk to anybody from home." You sighed.

"A lot on your plate? Besides fucking the guy you ran away with?" He scoffed.

"What the fuck, Frankie!" You shouted. "It isn't like that, he isn't just some guy who I ran away with."

"Then what is he? Your friend? Don't give me that bullshit, Faye, it won't work." He said from the other end of the phone.

"He-he's my... my husband." You hesitated to say and Frankie didn't say anything.

You wanted to say something but Frankie didn't give you he chance to. As you opened your mouth to say another thing to your younger brother, your heard a beep.

He hung the phone up on you.

You sighed and put your phone down on the bed, not bothering to look at any other messages or missed calls you had. You knew you shouldn't have answer the phone call, it ended up with your brother getting mad at you and he didn't even say anything to you afterwards.

You knew it would take a while for Frankie to come around, but you didn't want it to take a while. You wanted him to come around now, not in a while.

"Hey, babe, you okay?" Fred asked as he came up and hugged you from behind.

"I guess so." You shrugged and a small smile appeared on your face when his arms wrapped around your waist.

"Talk to me, you sound off." He said.

"I think Frankie's mad at me." You sighed and turned around to face him.

"Oh, you talked to Frankie?" He asked and you nodded your head slowly. "Is he okay?"

"I don't know, we didn't really talk about that." You said and sat yourself down on the bed. "He started shouting at me not long into the call, I understand why, though."

"Why did he do that?" He asked and sat down on the bed next to you.

"He's mad that I ran away and left Mason at the alter, and he got even more mad when I told him you're my husband now." You said to Fred and he sighed with you.

"Oh." He said. "What else did he say?"

"Nothing. He didn't say a word and he just hung up on me, he hadn't even tried to call me back or message me." You groaned. "I don't know what to do, Fred."

"I'm sure he'll come around eventually, you just have to give him some time." Fred told you. "I would be so mad if one of my many siblings ran away from their wedding to get married to someone else and didn't tell me, he'll get over it."

"It's different with Frankie, though. He doesn't get over big things as easily as any other person would." You said. "I think that his anger issues have something to with that, it makes him madder for longer."

"Yeah, I get that." Fred said. "Is there anything you want to do to take your mind off of all of this?"

"Fred, I'm not gonna have sex with you right now." You rolled your eyes.

"I'm not asking you to." He said. "We can go for dinner or go to the shops, even just on a walk to the beach. Anything. You name it."

"Can we just go on a walk?" You asked him.

"Of course we can." He said. "I have an idea."

"Oh, yeah? What is it?" You questioned.

"We walk to the corner shop and get a ton of snacks, and walk to the beach. We lay a picnic blanket down and watch the sunset on the beach, yeah?" Fred suggested.

"That sounds amazing, Freddie, I would really like that." You smiled brightly at him.

"Perfect." He said and placed a kiss on your soft smiling lips. "Come on then, let's go."

You smiled and the two of you got up from the bed. You went to grab a picnic blanket and Fred grabbed two pairs of shoes, one for you and one for him. You two met in the living room and put your shoes on, he took, the blanket and you left the house.

Hand in hand, your husband and you strolled down the road to the shop on the corner. The shop had everything from food to hair dye, anything you could ask for.

You two gathered some different snacks and you bought them before the two of you left the shop and headed to the beach to watch the sunset and munching on snacks.

Word Count : 1019

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