•Part thirty one

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"I shouldn't be talking to you." You sighed and picked up your phone from the table.

"I don't care, we have to talk." A familiar voice said from the other side of the phone.

"Oh. Jason." You said. "I didn't realise it was you, I thought you were someone else."

"Who did you think it was?" Jason asked.

"Doesn't matter." You said. "What did you want?"

"I want to know why." He told you.

"Why what?" You questioned the boy.

"Why you left my best friend at the alter for some guy you're friends with." He said.

"I'm not friends with Fred." You told your ex-fiancé's best friend. "I'm Fred's wife."

A few moments of silence was all to be heard before Jason opened his mouth and spoke again. He sounded so shocked.

"What the fuck. Are you serious?" He asked with such shock and betrayal in his voice.

"Jason, I don't have to for this. I'm busy and I really don't want to deal with all of the backlash you have for me." You said and rolled your eyes.

"No, are you actually being serious with me right now, Faye?" Jason shouted.

"Jesus, Jase, be quiet." You sighed.

"You got married to that guy?" He asked you, still in such shock. "You left my best friend at the alter to get married to some random guy you happen to know?"

"He isn't just some guy I happen to know, Jason! He is the guy I've loved since the war happened." You argued. "I'm sorry about what I did to Mason, I really am, but I can't control how I feel!"

"Freya, Mason has not moved from the couch since you left him! And your excuse is because of love?" He yelled. "Do you know how pathetic that sounds!?"

"I am not doing this with you anymore, tell Mason I said I'm really sorry." You said and bought the phone away from your ear.

You heard yelling coming from the speakers in your phone but hung up the call before any more shouting was heard. You threw the phone on the floor and laid back down in your bed, sighing as you did so.

Fred smiled at you as you had woken him up and he slung his arm over your stomach to get closer to you.

"What's up? Who was that?" Fred asked you with a very scratchy and tired voice.

"That was Jason yelling at me because I left Mason at the alter, the usual." You sighed.

It had been another three days and you were still getting nonstop phone calls and messages about what happened. You had been ignoring all of them, only looking for any notification from your younger brother.

Only your brother knew about you getting married to Fred, and now so did Jason. He now knows you are Mrs Faye Weasley, so you were expecting to get a lot more calls and messages about that any time soon.

"I'm sure they'll all come around soon and realise you did it for love." He said. "I mean, who wants to be stuck in a marriage you want to constantly get out of? Not you."

"I don't think anyone will actually see why I did what I did." You groaned.

You shoved his arm off of you and turned your body so you were laying on your side and facing him. Your faces were just inches apart and Fred was smiling at your grumpy facial expression.

"I know why you did what you did." He said and brushed loose hair out of your face. "I know you did it because you love me. If they don't understand that, then none of them understand love."

"You always know how to cheer me up, don't you, Freddie?" You smiled at him.

"That's one of my specialties." He said and kissed you on the forehead. "What are we going to do today? Each other?"

"We've had sex probably over a hundred times in less than two weeks." You told him and he laughed, so did you. "Do you really want to have sex again?"

"Why are you even asking that?" He asked you. "Of course I do."

"I should've known that." You chuckled.

"Yeah, you should've." He laughed.

"Come on, then." You smirked and a smile appeared on his face once again.


Fred and you ended up spending a bit more time in bed before you each had separate showers. You two got ready and somehow managed to match clothes without trying.

You were wearing a white pair of very short denim shorts and a light blue crop top, and Fred was wearing a white shirt with a pair of light blue jeans. You two also put the same pair of trainers on, so you were pretty much completely matching outfits.

It was eleven o'clock and the two of you had decided to go into town to spend the day walking, shopping and snacking together.

Hand in hand, Fred and you walked down the beach and listening to the birds chirping and the sea breeze.

"Where exactly are we going?" Fred asked.

"It's a shortcut, just trust me." You smiled.

"I'm not sure if I can trust you, that alley down there looks kind of sketchy." He said.

"We aren't even going down there." You said and rolled your eyes. "Up the hill, see."

With your spare hand, you pointed up at the hill that the alleyway was underneath. It was huge and covered in moss, it even had a small cafe on the edge of the hill.

"Oh, that's not so bad, then." Fred laughed.

"See, I told you." You chuckled with him.

"Is this the shortcut you were waffling on about?" He asked you and you gasped.

"I do not waffle!" You exclaimed.

"Oh, you definitely do waffle, Faye!" He said and laughed at how ridiculous you sounded.

"I do not! I cannot believe you would say that to me, Fred!" You said and hid your laughter behind your frown.

You let go of his hand and started to speed off and away from him. He stayed standing still for a moment, watching as you walked away from your husband.

All of a sudden, you felt a pair of hands pick you up by the waist and throw you over his shoulder.

You couldn't stop laughing and smacking his back to put you down, but he didn't.

Word Count : 1074

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