•Part thirty three

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CW : kinky foreplay

Three weeks had flew by since the day of your wedding when Fred confessed his love to you and you left with him. You spent those three weeks with your husband in the house in Italy, and you were loving it.

You found out some huge news yesterday and had been keeping it a secret from Fred, and it was killing you. You wanted to tell him but you knew it had to be at the right time, you wanted it to be absolutely perfect.

You weren't sure when the perfect moment would be, you just hoped it would be soon because you were struggling to keep it a secret already.

"You've been acting weird all day. Is there something wrong?" Fred asked his wife.

"Nope, everything's fine." You smiled up at your husband. "I am sure of it."

"Do you promise?" He asked you.

"I promise." You said to him. "What do you want to do today, handsome?"

"Anything with you." He smiled at you. "Is there anything in particular you want to do?"

"Actually, I do have something in mind, but it's just for you." You said to him mischievously.

"Uh oh, what is it..?" He asked you, shaking his head and not wanting to know.

"Oh, it's not bad, trust me!" You were quick to say. "I just signed you up for volleyball at the public beach around the corner. Just you, I don't want to do that and I've got other plans."

"Well, can I come with you? I don't want to play volleyball with a ton of strangers." He said with a groan leaving his mouth.

"Too bad, you're going." You said and gave him a peck on the lips. "I've already got plans and I am not changing them because you don't want to play volleyball."

"Fine." He dragged out. "But you owe me when I get back home, I swear."

"Oh, I already know that." You smirked.

"When do I have to be there for?" He asked you and you looked at your watch.

"Twelve, you've still got two hours." You said and looked back up at him.

"Perfect, that gives me some time." He said.

"Time for wha-" you were cut off by Fred.

Fred bent down and picked you up by the knee and slung you right over his shoulders once again. He carried you into the master bedroom and you didn't bother to complain as you knew you would love what happens.

He carried you into the bedroom and threw you down on the bed as you giggled. He didn't shut the door because he didn't need to and he wanted to quickly get in your underwear, which you were happy about.

Fred jumped onto the bed with you and he immediately pulled down the pyjama shorts you were wearing. You laughed and helped him take off the top you had on, his shirt.

You threw the shirt and shorts on the floor and you were now left in just your knickers as you didn't have a bra on. Fred was also only in his boxers, he didn't sleep in any pyjamas and he doesn't usually.

Your eyes drifted down his body and you saw his dick was already hard, probably because he woke up not long before and he was also seeing you practically naked. That must have been the leading cause.

"Fuck me, you look so good." He swore, his eyes roaming your chest and stomach.

"Fuck you? I intend to." You smiled and reached your hand forward.

As you were about to dip your hand into his boxer shorts, Fred grabbed your wrist and held onto it. He didn't let your hand or any part of your body get close to his hard dick, even though it was hurting him to do so.

"Oh, so you don't want my help?" You asked and shrugged your shoulders.

"Not this time, darling." Fred told you. "It is all about you today."

"I like the sound of that." You giggled.

Fred took your other wrist in his hand and he pulled then above your head with just the one hand, using his free one to grab his wand from the nightstand. He pointed the wand at your wrists and whispered a spell.

All of a sudden, silk ties formed around your wrists and tied them to the headboard, which you were loving. Fred chucked his wand on the floor and leant backwards to examine your body.

You looked down and saw his cock getting even harder, which pained you. You knew you couldn't do anything to help him with it, and he happily knew that too.

"Are they too tight?" Fred asked you.

"They are perfect." You told him.

"Good." He said. "We're gonna play a little game. How does that sound?"

"That sounds amazing." You shut your eyes.

Your eyes were still shut and Fred tugged your underwear down your legs, flicking them off of your feet and throwing them on the floor with the rest of your clothing. You opened your eyes and looked at him, he was now off of the bed.

He was rummaging through the wardrobe and picked up a bag, walking over and bringing it to the bed. He sat the bag down and got out a medium sized box.

"What's that?" You asked your husband.

"Oh, you'll see." Fred winked at you.

You got a bit nervous but you knew Fred wouldn't do anything to danger you, so your nerves settled a little bit.

He opened the box and took out a flower shaped you, and you knew exactly what it was. He then grabbed a remote from the box and he examined it for a moment.

"This'll do the trick, won't it?" He smugly asked and grabbed your knees.

Fred pulled your closed knees apart and revealed your wet pussy. He took the flower shaped toy and placed it right by your core, the tip of the flower underneath your clit.

You gulped when he looked at the remote.

Word Count : 1013

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